Opinions on My Current Routine

Hi, this is my first post so I apologise if I have done it wrong, put it in the wrong place or whatever, here is my current routine I would like your opinion on, I have been training for 6 or 7 years and up until recently high intensity low volume. I have changed things around and would like your opinion

Back Squats 8x3
Front Squats 3x8


Barbell Shrugs 3x8
Dumbell Shrugs 4x12
Military Press 6x4
Side raises 3x8
Rear raises 3x8

Deadlift 4x3
Pull ups 8x3
Chins 6x4
Barbell Curl 3x12
Hammer curl 4x5


Flat Bench Press 8x3
Incline (alternate dumbell and barbell week to week) 3x10
Weighted Dips 8x3

Any suggestions / tips / Critisism???

Much appreciated

[quote]WILKINS wrote:
Hi, this is my first post so I apologise if I have done it wrong, put it in the wrong place or whatever, here is my current routine I would like your opinion on, I have been training for 6 or 7 years and up until recently high intensity low volume. I have changed things around and would like your opinion

Back Squats 8x3
Front Squats 3x8


Barbell Shrugs 3x8
Dumbell Shrugs 4x12
Military Press 6x4
Side raises 3x8
Rear raises 3x8

Deadlift 4x3
Pull ups 8x3
Chins 6x4
Barbell Curl 3x12
Hammer curl 4x5


Flat Bench Press 8x3
Incline (alternate dumbell and barbell week to week) 3x10
Weighted Dips 8x3

Any suggestions / tips / Critisism???

Much appreciated

Too little information to really critique.

First, why did you choose to change routines? Did the program stop working? Did you change your goals? Did you get burnt out on the previous program?

Second, what are your current goals?

Third, when you said “high intensity low volume” did you mean %1RM, or HIT?

I have a couple things that I would change about the program, but without knowing the above information I’m going to hold off on making any suggestions just yet.

What are your goals?

[quote]Sentoguy wrote:

Too little information to really critique.

First, why did you choose to change routines? Did the program stop working? Did you change your goals? Did you get burnt out on the previous program?

Second, what are your current goals?

Third, when you said “high intensity low volume” did you mean %1RM, or HIT?

I have a couple things that I would change about the program, but without knowing the above information I’m going to hold off on making any suggestions just yet.[/quote]

Thank you sentoguy,

Sorry, yes I was training HIT, My progress stagnated, I was training every set to failure and thought that by stopping a few reps short of failure and adding more volume may shake things up (so to speak),

I have been training maximum two sets per exerciise to failure and using a lot of rest/pause, drop sets, forced reps, negatives etc for the past three years and mentally felt like a change and put more thought in to changing workouts, I would regularly change the exercises performed but never the “style of training” then reading a lot of the articles here and browsing through the forums I came up with my current routine

My goal at the moment is mass while remaining as lean as possible (I am realise this will take longer but I am willing to wait) I gain body fat very easily and at the moment I am fairly lean my abs are visable, by no means razor sharp but visable, ideally I would like to gain mass while keeping them visable (I know this isn’t always possible)

My diet at the moment is

6 raw eggs

Mid Morning
4 or 5 (thick) slices of beef

Chicken and broccoli

Mid Afternoon
4 or 5 (thick)slices of beef

Dinner (and pre workout)
Brown Rice and Beef

After workout
Protein shake (with water)

2 Hours later
beef again

Before Bed
Protein shake (with water)

Because of work commitments I can only train at night and that is why I have the brown rice with dinner before a workout. and on weekends I will take in more carbs, I will also have a cheat meal

I also take in 14g of fish oil a day and drink approk 5L of water. And I also take a 30-40 minute brisk walk 3-4 times per week

Hope this is enough info

Thank you very much for any suggestions, much appreciated

I would personally do shoulder press before doing shrugs.

[quote]DanErickson wrote:
I would personally do shoulder press before doing shrugs.[/quote]

Thanks, I will leave shrugs until last, makes sense now I think about it

[quote]WILKINS wrote:

Back Squats 8x3
Front Squats 3x8


Barbell Shrugs 3x8
Dumbell Shrugs 4x12
Military Press 6x4
Side raises 3x8
Rear raises 3x8

Deadlift 4x3
Pull ups 8x3
Chins 6x4
Barbell Curl 3x12
Hammer curl 4x5


Flat Bench Press 8x3
Incline (alternate dumbell and barbell week to week) 3x10
Weighted Dips 8x3

Any suggestions / tips / Critisism???

Much appreciated

Monday: I see where you’re going with the back/front squat approach. I’d suggest a lunge type of movement, perhaps an overhead plate lunge [bring a plate up to the overhead position while lunging] or a thruster with DB’s.

Gets a little shoulder work in as well as works on balance, stabilization and increased blood flow. Perhaps mix up the front squats with the lunge and thruster from workout to workout.

Tuesday: As mentioned, press before shrugs. I’d alternate the BB and DB from workout to workout.

Something like an giant set using an Arnold press/front raise/lateral raise/bent lateral raise from time to time really gives a new stimulus. No rest, same weight.


Perhaps alternate flat and decline bench. The weighted dips are a good choice. Maybe an isolation movement for the triceps afterwards.

What I’ve been doing on the bench is this, 3xTBT per week. I alternate flat BB, decline BB and incline DB. On the last set I do a tri set with flys and cable crossovers.

Since I do a 4 week cycle, I’ll do two tri sets the 2nd week and three tri sets the 3rd week. On week 4 I’ll do straight sets to lighten it up a bit in preparation for the change up on the next 4 week cycle.

Perhaps incorporate an isolation movement after your bigger lifts here and there to really pump the muscle and get some oxygen into it and get out the built up waste.

Do you suppliment? Have you considered a TBT?

[quote]TRAJJ wrote:
Monday: I see where you’re going with the back/front squat approach. I’d suggest a lunge type of movement, perhaps an overhead plate lunge [bring a plate up to the overhead position while lunging] or a thruster with DB’s.

Gets a little shoulder work in as well as works on balance, stabilization and increased blood flow. Perhaps mix up the front squats with the lunge and thruster from workout to workout.

Tuesday: As mentioned, press before shrugs. I’d alternate the BB and DB from workout to workout.

Something like an giant set using an Arnold press/front raise/lateral raise/bent lateral raise from time to time really gives a new stimulus. No rest, same weight.


Perhaps alternate flat and decline bench. The weighted dips are a good choice. Maybe an isolation movement for the triceps afterwards.

What I’ve been doing on the bench is this, 3xTBT per week. I alternate flat BB, decline BB and incline DB. On the last set I do a tri set with flys and cable crossovers.

Since I do a 4 week cycle, I’ll do two tri sets the 2nd week and three tri sets the 3rd week. On week 4 I’ll do straight sets to lighten it up a bit in preparation for the change up on the next 4 week cycle.

Perhaps incorporate an isolation movement after your bigger lifts here and there to really pump the muscle and get some oxygen into it and get out the built up waste.

Do you suppliment? Have you considered a TBT?


Thanks a lot for the suggestions Trajj, given me a lot to think about.

I have previously done lunges and have had good results, I may bring them back, I haven’t tried the plate overhead, I will definately try those

I like the idea of a giant set, I have previously supersetted but never really done much in the way of giant sets

With triceps I was previously supersetting my weighted dips with french press (15 reps) to really get the blood in to them,

It has only been recentlty (since discovering T-Nation) that I have considered TBT, I like your way of training with the 4 weekly cycles,

I only supplement a protein and fish oil

Thanks a lot for your suggestions

Here is an example of my workout:


Front squat
Flat bench
T-bar row
Arnold press [giant set w/front/lateral/bent raise]
Parallel bar dip


Overhead lunge
Decline bench
Seated row
Overhead press
Hammer curl
Overhead tricep extension


DB incline press
Pull up
Reverse curl
Tricep press down

Now this is the ‘basis’ of the workouts. I throw some stuff in the mix like compound and tri sets as well. For example, after benching I like to do DB flys and cable crossovers for the ‘pump’ so to speak as I mentioned above.

I suppliment with a pre, post and night time shake. I use whey, creatine, BCAA, glutamine, flax seed [ground up], Carlson fish oil, Vit C, barley grass. Not every ingredient is in every shake though. It depends on which one as to the ingredients. The night time shake is a blend of whey, egg white and casein.

Hope this may help.

[quote]WILKINS wrote:

Thank you sentoguy,

Sorry, yes I was training HIT, My progress stagnated, I was training every set to failure and thought that by stopping a few reps short of failure and adding more volume may shake things up (so to speak),

I have been training maximum two sets per exerciise to failure and using a lot of rest/pause, drop sets, forced reps, negatives etc for the past three years and mentally felt like a change and put more thought in to changing workouts, I would regularly change the exercises performed but never the “style of training” then reading a lot of the articles here and browsing through the forums I came up with my current routine

My goal at the moment is mass while remaining as lean as possible (I am realise this will take longer but I am willing to wait) I gain body fat very easily and at the moment I am fairly lean my abs are visable, by no means razor sharp but visable, ideally I would like to gain mass while keeping them visable (I know this isn’t always possible)

Ok, thanks. Just wanted to make sure you had good reason for changing routines and weren’t just suffering from training ADD. Gaining while staying fairly lean is possible. No, you won’t gain as quickly as if you were to get sumo wrestler fat. But, you also won’t lose as much of the muscle you’ve gained when you do finally decide to cut, and you’ll be healthier during the process as well.

Really, you just need to be eating enough to support growth, not so much that it makes you obese. How much food is required to do so is a very individual thing. You can also up the cardio if your bf starts to get out of hand.

Without knowing the amounts I can still say that you look like you’re getting plenty of protein (which is good), some healthy veggies (though you might want to include some other veggies in one of the meals just for the vitamins and minerals) and plenty of water. All good things. If you’re gaining on that diet, great job. If not, just try upping the serving sizes, or possibly adding olive oil to your protein shakes.

As long as it’s giving you the results you want, stick with it.

In regards to the program, here are a few changes that I’d suggest and why I’d suggest making them.

I wouldn’t suggest doing both front squats and back squats. You’d probably be okay doing that at first, but as your weights start to climb you’re going to be putting a tremendous amount of stress on your lower back (especially with deadlifts being done on Thursday).

Instead, perhaps substitute leg press for front squats (or do front squats 8x3 if your quads are lacking). That’ll still allow you to blast your quads, but won’t put nearly the same amount of stress on your lower back as doing freeweight front squats and back squats back to back.

You don’t really need two shrugging variations. Pick the one you like most and stick with it. If your traps are really lacking then substitute upright rows for one of the trap exercises, or perhaps try face pulls, horizontal shrugs, or some other exercise that works the traps but involves a different movement pattern.

I’d also second the suggestion to do the presses before the shrugs.

Looks pretty good, though once again pull-ups and chins might be a little redundant. Maybe throw in some rows instead, if your biceps are lacking you can always do supinated rows. Once again you’ll be working many of the same muscles as chins, just using a different movement pattern.

Also looks good. Just be careful with the flat bench. If you are doing them bodybuilding style, then you might be asking for an injury as the weight gets up there.

Maybe you might want to do inclines for 8x3 and flat DB bench for 3x10. That’s a safer alternative (and if you’re like me, DB’s build pecs better than BB anyhow).

Hope this helps.

[quote]Sentoguy wrote:
Ok, thanks. Just wanted to make sure you had good reason for changing routines and weren’t just suffering from training ADD. Gaining while staying fairly lean is possible. No, you won’t gain as quickly as if you were to get sumo wrestler fat. But, you also won’t lose as much of the muscle you’ve gained when you do finally decide to cut, and you’ll be healthier during the process as well.

Really, you just need to be eating enough to support growth, not so much that it makes you obese. How much food is required to do so is a very individual thing. You can also up the cardio if your bf starts to get out of hand.

Without knowing the amounts I can still say that you look like you’re getting plenty of protein (which is good), some healthy veggies (though you might want to include some other veggies in one of the meals just for the vitamins and minerals) and plenty of water. All good things. If you’re gaining on that diet, great job. If not, just try upping the serving sizes, or possibly adding olive oil to your protein shakes.

As long as it’s giving you the results you want, stick with it.

In regards to the program, here are a few changes that I’d suggest and why I’d suggest making them.

I wouldn’t suggest doing both front squats and back squats. You’d probably be okay doing that at first, but as your weights start to climb you’re going to be putting a tremendous amount of stress on your lower back (especially with deadlifts being done on Thursday).

Instead, perhaps substitute leg press for front squats (or do front squats 8x3 if your quads are lacking). That’ll still allow you to blast your quads, but won’t put nearly the same amount of stress on your lower back as doing freeweight front squats and back squats back to back.

You don’t really need two shrugging variations. Pick the one you like most and stick with it. If your traps are really lacking then substitute upright rows for one of the trap exercises, or perhaps try face pulls, horizontal shrugs, or some other exercise that works the traps but involves a different movement pattern.

I’d also second the suggestion to do the presses before the shrugs.

Looks pretty good, though once again pull-ups and chins might be a little redundant. Maybe throw in some rows instead, if your biceps are lacking you can always do supinated rows. Once again you’ll be working many of the same muscles as chins, just using a different movement pattern.

Also looks good. Just be careful with the flat bench. If you are doing them bodybuilding style, then you might be asking for an injury as the weight gets up there.

Maybe you might want to do inclines for 8x3 and flat DB bench for 3x10. That’s a safer alternative (and if you’re like me, DB’s build pecs better than BB anyhow).

Hope this helps.[/quote]

Thank you very much Sentoguy, given me a lot to think about.

My bench style is a very wide grip, (Im am about 6ft6 with long arms). I feel it more in my chest when I use a wide grip, with a narrower grip its all triceps and delts) and a very slight arch.

I like the idea with alternating leg press with front squat however because of my height I have a lot of trouble with the leg press at my gym, I cant sit in it properly and because of this it actually gives me more lower back trouble than a back squat so that is why I do not include them, I might do the 8x3 for the front squats instead

I will be pressing before shrugging from now on, I am very happy with my trap development and probably are one of my better bodyparts so I will just stick to one shrug exercise per workout and just alternate bb and db

With your back suggestions that makes alot of sense, what do you think if I alternate a rowing movement.one week bb one week db as well as alternate chins/pull ups??

Also could I ask what the benfit of adding Olive Oil to my protein shakes would be??

Thanks a lot for you suggestions, I will definately ne implementing them, much appreciated

[quote]TRAJJ wrote:
Here is an example of my workout:


Front squat
Flat bench
T-bar row
Arnold press [giant set w/front/lateral/bent raise]
Parallel bar dip


Overhead lunge
Decline bench
Seated row
Overhead press
Hammer curl
Overhead tricep extension


DB incline press
Pull up
Reverse curl
Tricep press down

Now this is the ‘basis’ of the workouts. I throw some stuff in the mix like compound and tri sets as well. For example, after benching I like to do DB flys and cable crossovers for the ‘pump’ so to speak as I mentioned above.

I suppliment with a pre, post and night time shake. I use whey, creatine, BCAA, glutamine, flax seed [ground up], Carlson fish oil, Vit C, barley grass. Not every ingredient is in every shake though. It depends on which one as to the ingredients. The night time shake is a blend of whey, egg white and casein.

Hope this may help.[/quote]

Thanks Trajj, with the changes Im making to my current routine I will see how I go with this, I will definately be looking at TBT for my next program, I like the look of yours

What is the training frequency for this?

Thanks a lot

[quote]WILKINS wrote:

Thank you very much Sentoguy, given me a lot to think about.

My bench style is a very wide grip, (Im am about 6ft6 with long arms). I feel it more in my chest when I use a wide grip, with a narrower grip its all triceps and delts) and a very slight arch.

It’s not so much whether the stress is primarily placed on the pecs or shoulders/tris that makes flat BB bench more or less dangerous. It’s more a matter of whether you are performing Bodybuilder style bench or powerlifter style bench. Powerlifting style places the chest in a much stronger position from a mechanical standpoing (almost makes a flat bench into a psuedo decline bench). Also, bench tends to be a very ego driven lift and people tend to sacrifice form for numbers.

If you’re not looking to enter powerlifting compeitions, I’d honestly suggest not doing flat BB bench. Flat DB bench is fine as are BB/DB incline and decline. And honestly like I said before, DB bench works as well (if not better) for a lot of people when it comes to building the pecs.

Ah, I see. Well in that case perhaps do front squats and a unilateral leg movement (bulgarian split squats, lunges, etc…). Those should allow you to still overload the musculature, while not placing your spine under the same levels of stress.

Sounds good.

Alternating exercises is fine. But if that’s what you want to do, then make up two different versions of each workout. Then alternate between the two versions. Every time you do the same version you’ve got to either do more weight for the same rep range, or if you don’t meet your rep range, more reps with the same weight than you did the last time.

Calories would be the number one benefit for someone trying to gain weight. It also provides your body with monounsaturated and polyunsatured fat (as well as a little saturated fat). Not only do you need fats in your diet (mono and poly unsaturated are especially healthy), but some research suggests that dietary fat intake has a correlation with testosterone levels.

Thanks a lot for you suggestions, I will definately ne implementing them, much appreciated[/quote]

No problem. I hope my advice has been helpful for you.

[quote]Sentoguy wrote:

Thanks a lot for you suggestions, I will definately ne implementing them, much appreciated

No problem. I hope my advice has been helpful for you. [/quote]

Thanks again sentoguy

Yes, the gym I train at is run by a powerlifter, and my spotter for chest is a national level powerlifter as well, so big bench numbers is a real focus at my gym, and since physique is my main training focus I try to keep my ego at the door when benching, I do really enjoy training heavy but atthe end of the day, its my physique that I am improving so I do try to keep that in mind. and now swapping bb for db on the flat press would a better movement

On leg day I will bring in some lunges, I have had success with them before so I will bring them back

And I will definately add the olive oil

Thanks again, great advice!

[quote]WILKINS wrote:
TRAJJ wrote:
Here is an example of my workout:


Front squat
Flat bench
T-bar row
Arnold press [giant set w/front/lateral/bent raise]
Parallel bar dip


Overhead lunge
Decline bench
Seated row
Overhead press
Hammer curl
Overhead tricep extension


DB incline press
Pull up
Reverse curl
Tricep press down

Now this is the ‘basis’ of the workouts. I throw some stuff in the mix like compound and tri sets as well. For example, after benching I like to do DB flys and cable crossovers for the ‘pump’ so to speak as I mentioned above.

I suppliment with a pre, post and night time shake. I use whey, creatine, BCAA, glutamine, flax seed [ground up], Carlson fish oil, Vit C, barley grass. Not every ingredient is in every shake though. It depends on which one as to the ingredients. The night time shake is a blend of whey, egg white and casein.

Hope this may help.

Thanks Trajj, with the changes Im making to my current routine I will see how I go with this, I will definately be looking at TBT for my next program, I like the look of yours

What is the training frequency for this?

Thanks a lot


TBT three times a week. For example, TBT 1 = Monday, TBT 2 = Wed and TBT 3 = Friday…give or take of course. But basically I get in three TBT’s a week.

[quote]TRAJJ wrote:

TBT three times a week. For example, TBT 1 = Monday, TBT 2 = Wed and TBT 3 = Friday…give or take of course. But basically I get in three TBT’s a week.[/quote]

Ok, thanks Trajj, how is it working out for you?