[quote]Sentoguy wrote:
Ok, thanks. Just wanted to make sure you had good reason for changing routines and weren’t just suffering from training ADD. Gaining while staying fairly lean is possible. No, you won’t gain as quickly as if you were to get sumo wrestler fat. But, you also won’t lose as much of the muscle you’ve gained when you do finally decide to cut, and you’ll be healthier during the process as well.
Really, you just need to be eating enough to support growth, not so much that it makes you obese. How much food is required to do so is a very individual thing. You can also up the cardio if your bf starts to get out of hand.
Without knowing the amounts I can still say that you look like you’re getting plenty of protein (which is good), some healthy veggies (though you might want to include some other veggies in one of the meals just for the vitamins and minerals) and plenty of water. All good things. If you’re gaining on that diet, great job. If not, just try upping the serving sizes, or possibly adding olive oil to your protein shakes.
As long as it’s giving you the results you want, stick with it.
In regards to the program, here are a few changes that I’d suggest and why I’d suggest making them.
I wouldn’t suggest doing both front squats and back squats. You’d probably be okay doing that at first, but as your weights start to climb you’re going to be putting a tremendous amount of stress on your lower back (especially with deadlifts being done on Thursday).
Instead, perhaps substitute leg press for front squats (or do front squats 8x3 if your quads are lacking). That’ll still allow you to blast your quads, but won’t put nearly the same amount of stress on your lower back as doing freeweight front squats and back squats back to back.
You don’t really need two shrugging variations. Pick the one you like most and stick with it. If your traps are really lacking then substitute upright rows for one of the trap exercises, or perhaps try face pulls, horizontal shrugs, or some other exercise that works the traps but involves a different movement pattern.
I’d also second the suggestion to do the presses before the shrugs.
Looks pretty good, though once again pull-ups and chins might be a little redundant. Maybe throw in some rows instead, if your biceps are lacking you can always do supinated rows. Once again you’ll be working many of the same muscles as chins, just using a different movement pattern.
Also looks good. Just be careful with the flat bench. If you are doing them bodybuilding style, then you might be asking for an injury as the weight gets up there.
Maybe you might want to do inclines for 8x3 and flat DB bench for 3x10. That’s a safer alternative (and if you’re like me, DB’s build pecs better than BB anyhow).
Hope this helps.[/quote]
Thank you very much Sentoguy, given me a lot to think about.
My bench style is a very wide grip, (Im am about 6ft6 with long arms). I feel it more in my chest when I use a wide grip, with a narrower grip its all triceps and delts) and a very slight arch.
I like the idea with alternating leg press with front squat however because of my height I have a lot of trouble with the leg press at my gym, I cant sit in it properly and because of this it actually gives me more lower back trouble than a back squat so that is why I do not include them, I might do the 8x3 for the front squats instead
I will be pressing before shrugging from now on, I am very happy with my trap development and probably are one of my better bodyparts so I will just stick to one shrug exercise per workout and just alternate bb and db
With your back suggestions that makes alot of sense, what do you think if I alternate a rowing movement.one week bb one week db as well as alternate chins/pull ups??
Also could I ask what the benfit of adding Olive Oil to my protein shakes would be??
Thanks a lot for you suggestions, I will definately ne implementing them, much appreciated