@The_Mighty_Stu I wondered if the tests are limited to the polygraph for these natural bodybuilding shows?
And does it really work?
For me, the polygraph is just used in the TV crime series…
There is no good evidence that shows a polygraph test (which just measures changes in your vital signs) can detect whether someone is “lying” … Not to mention the test “result” is essentially the operators interpretation of your behavior and the changes in your vitals. Basically, if the person thinks you are lying… you are lying according to the test.
I honestly cant believe it has managed to become such a “trusted” source of testing, its complete bullshit.
Yeah. I’m with you, I have nothing against it and may even hop on one day. Its very well understood that its basically necessary if you want to be a top level BBer… If your reason for juicing is that you want to win the Mr Universe contest and everyone else is on, thats a very valid reason, but dont claim you are natty the whole time “except for the juicing I did”
depends on what we mean by 5-10%. If that actually means, say, 10% higher stage weight, then that would equate to going from 200 to 220 on stage. That’s a pretty big difference, and depending on how much someone takes, is a reasonable expectation.
a lot of people absurdly want to make the claim that if they haven’t juiced recently, they’ve gone back to natural. I think they feel justified in claiming that because, from what I understand, many powerlifting and bodybuilding feds only demand X period of time clean, rather than lifetime. It’s silly because there is hard evidence that even 1 steroid cycle changes your physiology for life. There is no such thing as going back to natural, ever.
Totally agree on all that. I know it’s not as simple as “I was on for 25% of the time therefore it was 25% improvement”, and as you said even a single cycle changes your physiology.
I think people desperately want to believe they did all the work and all the results are a byproduct of that and not some magic potion , hence “it was just the finishing touches”
Plus, imagine Ronnie off juice for one year… that’s natty?
for sure. I’ve always tried to be very honest with myself, and I’ve tried to gauge exactly how much I think I can attribute to gear vs where I was naturally. I can use ‘the big 3 lifts’ as decent reference points, but even that doesn’t tell the whole story, particularly since I’m still getting stronger. To this point, I’ve gone from a 525 deadlift to 610ish, 315 bench to 395, and 405 squat to 565. And my bodyweight hasn’t changed much, I’ve been 190-205 (up and down) over the past 3 years since I started. So, overall that’s like a 20-25% increased when you average it out. That’s a pretty big deal, considering I can still compete in the same weight class. 20% added onto a powerlifting total can be the difference between being a guy who is right in the middle of the pack to winning meets regularly. In bodybuilding terms, that could be the difference from last to first in a given competition. Basically, I’m saying 20% means more than a ‘finishing touch’, which you alluded to. 20% is MASSIVE.
“Finishing touch” was what the guy in stu’s Post was saying, I definitely don’t think they are a finishing touch, depending on how much and how long you use.
You mean the “natural mr Olympia” winner whose contest stats rival Mentzer and Oliva ? -lol
Thats him. “I am totally natural during the time periods when I go off steroids”
The poly imo is used as more of a pre-contest deterrent. The urinalysis though, that’s the real deal. I took plenty of poly’s while competing, but only my pro card wins (2 of em) had me piss and wait for confirmation from Quest Labs that I was clean.
Steroids make you weak and your peepee small.
The top of every sport has juiced guys. This is nothing new. When money and fame is on the line people are going to do anything to get an edge. It is a shock to many people and I’m not really sure why.
We all know, unfortunately the laws in America have created a weird scenario where every has to lie about it because its illegal. Also because money is on the line from supp companies etc…, no one can stay it was steroids that helped them, it was Gatorade and LipoMassXtreme69
No doubt there the laws and general public eye has made it where you can’t tell the truth on the subject.
But, I was more commenting on how people actually believe just some Flinstone Vitamins and dat der creatines are the foundations to athletic achievement.
Natural refers to the product, like organic
Geez, even powerlifters had the sense to call those contests tested instead of natural.
Natty all day evereyday !
“The sport of natural bodybuilding le definitely a marathon, not a sprint.”
Lmao!!! I always roll my eyes when certain “natural” competitors will only compete in certain federations and not the couple that are known to be crazy strict with their testing.
I like Doug Miller but he was already famously questionable in the “before” photo.
the first time I heard about him it was a podcast by Ben Pakulski, who talked about him as a lifetime natural.
The supplements he sells look rather interesting but certainly not to the point of arriving at this final form!
Was Ben claiming he was natty?
I think so… I have to listen it one more time to be sure !