I think everything is in the title…
For those who don’t know him you can google : Natural Gallant Bodybuilding
I think everything is in the title…
For those who don’t know him you can google : Natural Gallant Bodybuilding
Um,… just another bodybuilder trying to make some money of his love/hobby?
I honestly had never heard of him until this post.
I’m not en expert in natural bodybuilding so is the “natural Olympia” something as Big as the Mr Olympia ? @The_Mighty_Stu
It’s not associated with the WNBF or any of the other larger natural organizations, and while Ive heard varying stories of whether they truly qualify for the “natural” in their title, some of the competitors might leave you scratching your head.
John Hansen has won it several times and along with admitting his past steroid use is noticeably heavier than any WNBF/IFPA pro of similar height and structure, so you can take that however you’d like.
Thank you for the clarification !
I had another question, do you think his way of training is or can be effective?
His training split (the 2 day split - 6x Per week)
Day1. Chest / back / biceps
Day2. Legs / Shoulders / triceps
One or two exercise per muscle.
It Can’t work, don’t waste your time.
I won’t say that something can never work, especially when someone else is doing it and obviously it’s not hurting them (not sure if progressing or just maintaining though). Of course I would dare say that there are plenty of different approaches that I would recommend instead.
What do I think about Jason Gallant?
I think he has long hair and big muscles. I also think he’s holding a medal in one of his instagram pictures. It looks like he’s upset that someone thought he got 3rd in a competition that he actually got 2nd in.
What are you saying Stu? I have been reliably informed John Hansen is totally natural, when he’s not taking steroids:)
I do my best to not ruffle feathers, but when someone freely admits to gear use in one breath and brags about their natural contest wins in another, no one needs me to help them form their own opinion.
Where did John Hansen admit his drug usage? I am not disputing whether he’s natty or not, I thought he always admitted being natural. But yeah 210 lbs contest condition at 5’8 doesn’t sound right to me.
I think It was either older interviews or articles, but possibly on his older books where he downplays it like Dwayne Johnson did…, but I would never place money that any admissions of PED usage are ever carved in stone. (Just find different accounts from bill pearl where he admits then denies dabbling)
Also consider if 5’10 is shredded enough (clean) to win the “Natural” Olympia, where not go easily beat the smaller 5’10 conpetitors and take all $8K at the WNBF Worlds? -lol
Have you ever heard of Ade Rai Stu? He was a great bodybuilder in early 2000s from Indonesia, my motherland. At first, I thought there was was high chance that he wasn’t natural. He competed in muscle mania, which isn’t exactly a natural organization despite what the banner says. But then not all muscle mania competitors are on drugs.
Him competing in muscle mania. Only 200 lbs but he damn looks like he is 250 lbs as the commentator mentioned.
Him advocating for natural bodybuilding at 40+ years old, still in amazing shape.
But then his competition weight is 200 lbs at 6’0 which is nowhere near John Hansen 210 lbs at 5’8; very similar FFMI to pre-steroid era great bodybuilders. I have got testimonials from people that were his friends that he is 100% natural. He himself admitted being a lifetime natural and he’s also a nice and very soft spoken guy, doesn’t seem to exhibit psychopathic behaviors that would allow him to pass polygraph tests. He was also like an ambassador to INBA or WNBF or other natural organization or something.
Do you think there is a high chance that he is actually natural? Does he just have an amazing genetics? My hearts says no, but then my brain says yes.
what comes after shredded? Dude is absolutely peeled down to the bone.
Very impressive. I’ve heard his name mentioned before, and he has an amazing physique no question!
200 lbs, at 5’11 is certainly not the norm, as I always point out that the only guys I know competing at 200+ (in actual contest shape mind you!) are 6’ and over… BUT, if we’re gonna argue over an inch of height, and the wide spectrum of individual human development you realize how silly it can all sound.
He is actually 6’0. Not sure why muscle mania listed him at 5’11. A lot of other sources listed him at 6’0. Quick google search of his name shows that.
that’s not really all that useful, tbh. My own parents, and many of my closest friends, do not know that I am not natural. Just something to consider. People lie, even to people close to them.
This is just silly. I’m not an expert, by any means, in psychopathology, but I do have a degree in psychology, and I can tell you that what you’re saying here about his personality is truly irrelevant to a) psychopathic tendencies, and b) the ability to pass a polygraph. Keep in mind, many, many individuals with psychopathic tendencies have the ability to put on a very convincing face for others.
As Stu says, there is a great range for the potential muscular development in humans. If you’re trying to answer the question in a basic statistical fashion, I would say that it’s highly UNlikely, simply because I think it’s very safe to say that there are very, very few humans, if any, who can achieve this look naturally. I’m not convinced there are any, but it’s possible, and this guy might be one of them. But, in the last 70 years, it is obviously safe to say that more people have achieved this sort of look/size with the help of drugs than without, right? SO from that perspective, your intellectual instinct should initially be ‘no, the odds suggest he is not natural’.
Then you have to address mitigating factors, and that becomes very subjective. I’ve given you my opinion on the factors you’re using above. I don’t think they’re particularly compelling. So I would still say ‘it’s possible he’s natural, but if I was a betting man, I’d bet against it’. Drug testing in the 90’s was absolute shit. Athletes were well ahead of the drug testing curve back then, more-so than now, in my opinion. A polygraph might actually hold more weight with me in the 90’s. I don’t know how often he was polygraphed, or what the questions were, so that’s something I can’t really address in this instance.
I think that’s a pretty comprehensive, and fairly objective, take on both this guy, and elite level natural bodybuilders in general.
By friends, I meant his working out partners. Obviously not his parents or non-working out friends who probably don’t even know what macros are.
That’s why I stand by that reasoning in the first place. I have dated a “psychopath” and knew what to expect. I knew studied the signs, tendencies, etc. It is actually not that hard for doctors or people who experienced it firsthand to see that. But for common folks, it is very hard.
Yep and it varies on a case by case basis. I don’t believe in absolutes, while there is a high chance that he might be natural, there is still a small chance that he might not be.
I trained with a dude almost daily over the span of about 3-4 years. The last 2 years I was using, never told him.
you’re out of your depth here man. but ok. as I said before, you can believe what you want.
I agree. Which is why I would rather rely on statistics than try to pretend I can figure it out when I haven’t even met the guy (and you haven’t either). Statistically, it’s more likely that his body was achieved using PED’s. No question about that. Which is why the following statement:
is actually the opposite of what I would believe.
Of course, in general, the chance of someone that is using PEDs to achieve that type of physique is very high. But if you do a case by to case basis analysis and take all these variables into account, then the chance is actually low. Potential fake natties, like Mike O’Hearn, already failed most of these criteria. I am not saying that he doesn’t use PEDs completely like I said I don’t believe in absolutes.