Signs of a cold started 2 days ago. And today it is @ its peak.
What do you guys to do rid this virus?
I’ve already drank 2 gal. of water today.
Took a warm bath and feel better. How about the sauna?
Signs of a cold started 2 days ago. And today it is @ its peak.
What do you guys to do rid this virus?
I’ve already drank 2 gal. of water today.
Took a warm bath and feel better. How about the sauna?
I don’t know about when the cold is at it’s peak, but I start taking a lot of vitamin c as soon as the symptoms start to appear. But you have to catch it at the right time, I don’t know if that would help you now.
Easy. I don’t get them.
But if I were to magically, inexplicably get one, I’d do this:
Take a little more rest (for example, cut volume).
Up my multi-vitamin intake.
Up my vitamin C and E intake.
Drink more water than usual.
Avoid being outside in the cold for prolonged periods.
But then again, I don’t get sick so who am I to offer advice?
[quote]MNguns wrote:
Signs of a cold started 2 days ago. And today it is @ its peak.
What do you guys to do rid this virus?
I’ve already drank 2 gal. of water today.
Took a warm bath and feel better. How about the sauna?[/quote]
There is only one product that matters…
I don’t know why or how, or if it’s dangerous, but it works like a charm. Everyone I have given it to did not get a fullblown illness when they felt it coming on.
Personally I haven’t been sick since I found this stuff a few years ago.
AIRBORNE AS SOON AS YOU FEEL THE SYMPTOMS. They’re aren’t many things I claim will work but that stuff does. I dont know why it works so well?!?!
I take airborne twice a day if I start to feel a cold coming on.
And since I live in these shitty college dorms, I usually take one every 4-6 days just to keep my immune system up.
Airborne, Zicam Cold, Echinacea, and a Vitamin C capsule, 3 times a day. Knocks it out like a charm.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I think ZMA is a good supplement to use for prevention.
There is this stuff called cold-eeze (loaded with zinc) also Golden Seal (Echinacea) does wonders as well.-Jules