What do u think of this program?

Im thinking of starting an olympic type program but incorperating Bench press more then it has listed heres the intermediate program www.qwa.org/programs/tint13.asp im training to become faster and stronger to possibly walk on to a division 1 football team.

Great to see you getting into the Olympic lifts. You will need to consider the level of intensity (it varies from 80-95%) and how it relates to your total training and training goals. My athletes personally use a lower level but also augment strength work with weighted/non-weighted GPP. You will also need to structure this so that you do not ignore training for agility, linear speed and sport-specific work. In faith, Coach Davies

Thanks for the reply coach. My program also consists of plyometrics and the beggining of my monday and friday workouts along with some work on my 40 yd dash starts. i have been trying to incorperate some sprints in but my asthma has been givin me a tough time i am tryin to overcome this though.

working on your 40 yard dash starts? this is something that should probably be at the end of your list. as Coach Davies says in his articles, 40 yard times don’t mean much and working on your start or practicing 40 yard sprints ain’t gonna improve your time. of course, it is important to have a good 40 time to make the team but to achieve this there are other things you should spend your energy on.

40 yd dash doesnt mean much? Maybe not to coach davies but to MOST college teams it means alot some even think the 40 yd dash shows your potential for athletic ability. Or is one of the factors in your potential. Also Coach Davies what percentages, rep, set schemes do u suggest? For bench i usually start with 70% for 8 reps for the first week then 80% for 6 reps the second week then go to 90% for 3 reps the third week, retest the one rep max and repeat, What do u suggest for lifts including power clean, squat, and bench?

Yeah 40 yard sprints dont mean much to football performance but it may mean making a team or not making one or impressing a coach at tryouts or not so although they may lack relevance they may be quite important depending on what aspects the coach really values.

As this is now a thread of sports performance versus manipulation of testing parmeters, a paradox occurs within sports performance versus manipulation of testing parmeters. I think we should delve deeper into this debate. I believ it to a case of training for the actual game and not a case of training specifically for the test that they run to see if an entry can be given to the team. If you train properly for the game then you will breaze the tests, for example i will use the previously discussed example of 40’s. If you have a whole manner of sprint training, glute hams etc etc then surely your 40 time will be well above adequate. Too much emphasis should not be placed upon the test exercises but more on “game performance”

Dr Baillie

Well before there is any more confusion about my concept of the 40 time, my athlete’s/teams have been able to record extraordinary improvements in there times, to the point of being unbelievable. I have had countless top NCAA teams drop 40’s drop team wide median by over .2 over short time windows and individual athletes even greater over longer time frames. I believe Scott is correctly commenting that my focus is always to enhance production on the field as opposed to merely preparing for the testing parmeter. While this may appear to be a circuitous route it is not the same thing and actually a tremendous difference. The athlete will enhance performance on the field but actually will run a better 40. In faith, Coach Davies

I agree with u guys totally about focusing on skill work, its something i need much of but i have limited resources and limited space i run 40 yd dashes on the steeet in front of my house i would try and do agility tyoe drills but i dont think that could be accomplished on the street i have a large back yard and a half acre or so but its only 40 yds from corner to corner of my fence and thats not even close to the size of a football field. also i wouldnt know what agility excercises and/or football specific drills.

ok i guess u r too busy to answer my previous question coach.

Didnt see your post Eddie. There is a vast array of agility drills to perform (ie ladder, cone, bag, dots), rope skip (see article in tag), dynamic ROM work to assist in agilty work and forms of lifting to help proprireception. The length of your training area can easily be used. In faith, Coach Davies