more help!! football practice coming

ok now 2 a days are going to start on aug. the 6. I think it goes for 2 hours… then a 45 minute break… then another 2 hours… when should i lift and how much? my recovery is going to suck… and so will my intensity. please help

look into Charles staley’s Convergent Phase Training back in issue Issue 141, it is short (under a hour) and only 3 days a week…in case u haven’t read it yet it allows u to foucus on three core lifts like ur bench, squats, and power cleans, which will transfer well on to the feild as well as testing for college and what not…I plan on useing it when my two a day starts aug 17 and will follow it for the entire season which happens to be 12 weeks the same as the program…staley also mentions it is a excellent program for a in-season athlete…also i think it would be wise to start taking L-glutamine (if u are not already) to save ur hard earned muscle during two a day…good luck with ur season

I would concentrate on the 2 a days and forget about lifting during them. You’ll do more harm than good trying to add your own workouts to the extra stress of the 2 a days. Besides, don’t they have some strength work scheduled for you during this time?

I wouldnt even think of lifting. Its only about a week or two. If you felt like it i would do a full body routine consisting of a couple of exercises. You wont atrophy too much in those weeks. Plus football is your only priority during this time.

man you’ve got easy two a days we got 4 then a half hour break then 4 more. But just lift at night 4 hours of football a day in preseason isn’t that much especially if you’ve been getting yourself into shape before they start.

MAn i wish our two a days were only two hours a session u got it easy man. I had the the same regime as platihum except before each one we had to prep the plays we were going to run. I couldnt eat in between because i felt so sick from running and the heat but i made sure i drank at least a gatorade or something so i could preserve a lil more muscle.

First of all, if you have noticied my demeanor is getting a little nasty. Yeah, the smell of training camp is coming and old coach is getting the game face one. I live for this time of the year - but your intensity won’t suck. You have got to learn to be ruthless. Pratically supplmentation will go a long way and is a must. I just tested Surge at a All-Star High School Team (surprise TC) and they loved it. You will have to re-dedicate yourself daily. Your training program may vary quite a bit from the past and you will need to learn about in-season training. If I can help please ask.

In faith,
Coach Davies
In faith,
Coach Davies

coach davies, what do u think about the convergent phase training program for in-season football?

Irontank - please, training football players is my specialty. I’m not dismissing the work of a superb coach because he does a tremendous job in his area of expertise. But what do you think about the only training program that is paid for by numerous NCAA programs and NFL programs? The same program that turns down offers from Universities because it restricts its use to one team per conference. As far I know, I am the only paid consultant who has stood on the sidelines of a Super Bowl and a major NCAA bowl game in the same year. As well as being retained by NFL teams to assist in there review of potential draft choices. My program’s deal with the total aspects of the game as opposed to limiting it to the weightroom or attempting to sell a track routine as a session for a football player, not to mention ignoring the aspect of agility training, combative work and an understanding of the various offensive and defensive packages. You try to handle one facet of training without the other and you’ve got an incomplete ball player. I turn down 3 (yes, thats right) more teams than I work with because of my non-compete clause. Again, I am not discrediting anyones work but this is my specialty. Irontank - I have said it before - you should like a guy with a great atitude and until now I had no idea you were a ball player. Get back to me with you can.
In faith,
Coach Davies

It would help to know what position you played. Also, if you built up volume throughout the year, your in-season lifting should keep your strenght levels the same. Remember, the purpose of in-season is not to gain strength but keep it. I think the larger problem for an inseason football player is to keep your body weight, especially high school players who don’t have a training table. If you drop body weight, your lifting numbers will go down. But in a true Renegade situation, who cares what you bench on the field, but can you dominate? I think you worries are what is wrong with current popular training for football. You are not a bodybuilder or a powerlifter, so who cares what you squat. You need to maintain what keeps you alive in the field.

Once again Kato - you put express my words far better than I can. Remember you are preparing for the game not to look the part. And there is a huge difference. Remember speed kills!!!
In faith,
Coach Davies

coach, i meant no disrespect by suggesting that program, you are one of the top strength and conditioning coaches in the nation (maybe world) and i value your opinion and ideas highly…i was just assuming that agilities, sprinting, endurance work and other non-lifting aspects would be covered at football practice, the lifting program at my school is only a half hour after practice once maybe twice a week, factor in 30-40 kids with just one squat rack and the inseason lifting program is a joke to say the least, so i have to lift at my own gym but every other aspect of football is covered pretty well covered… BTW i picked up a jumping rope yesterday and am going to try your “warm-up” today then do some sprint work…one question, which do u feel is better full squats or sligthly past parallel?

Irontank - no disrespect taken & I hope none given to you are followers of CPT. Please it is I, who should apologize. Obviously you see how enthusiastic (and ruthless) I am about this area. My coaching career is predicated on one thing - winning. I only wish I was able to personally train everyone of you who is interested. With regards to your training, assume nothing. I know that makes it difficult on you but you have to be in charge. You have to do more than your competition (and it sounds like you do) and think outside the box. Ask yourself the question that I have been hinting - what is strength? Please respond and lets talk some 'ball - What position do you play? In your training are you familar with ladder work? Have you utilized Hurdle movements? Have you ever Snatch lifted or Overhead Squatted - I would love to help - besides any guy with the handle Irontank has got to be a Renegade.
In faith,
Coach Davies