Actually, I havent. No Time and No patience for the technical jumbo.
Yes…the general template utilizes the concurrent/complex method. However, there is much more behind Westside than most people know. They do not utilize the standard template all year long. They have Circa phases which emphasizes maximal strength, and blocks that sequenced accoringly to peak for a meet.
I admit that I too, thought Westside was a pure concurrent/comlex system. However, after a great thread at “Conjugate Sequence System”, I learned differently.
-The Truth
[quote]Fahd wrote:
Have you read supertraining?
I have only read parts of its (because its fucking boring). However, if you own it, please read page 290 of the 6th edition of Supertraining.
conjugated sequencing is orgainising training into chronologically sequenced segments of unidirectional focus.
The concurrent method, on the other hand, is the simultaneous training of several disparate elements of fitness.
Therefore Westside is a concurrent method according to supertraining, not conjugated sequencing. This definition was incorrectly used by Louie Simmons.
Recently, however the Elitefts guys have started to use the term concurrent method instead of conjugate method.
Jim Wendler used it in this article instead of the term conjugate method.