I just don’t think you need any fancy methods, particularly speed work. Pick any ol’ program and hit it hard, a lot of people like WSFSB and I don’t really have any problem with it.
I don’t know if it was specifically in reference to bands and chains or if it applies to “westside” in general, but it’s been said to hold off until you’re at least a class I lifter. I think that’s good advice to follow when it comes to a lot of “fancy” training.
Personally, for a lot of people I like EDT with an A-B split. You can search for EDT on this site, and an A-B split is just putting half your body on one day and half on the other and alternating them, usually with a M-W-F schedule. That’s what I suggest, for what it’s worth.
Starting Strength is big right now too and I’m sure you can go over to the beginner forum and find something appropriate.
I don’t meant to be a hater, but your advice so far is not well thought through. And if you read my OP, you will realize I was asking if the format of what I was planning on doing was in fact proper and according to WS power-lifting template, not asking whether I should be doing high reps over lower reps despite having just come off a high rep program, when I am looking for power, not endurance or hypertrophy.
Any other advice out there? At least well thought through? Thanks.[/quote]
Not to be a hater back but you should just shut up and lift some weights. The idea that WSB3 is too specialized for your precious genetic freakiness or the super special demands of break dancing is laughable. Make it “relevant” to your goals by dropping the shit you don’t want to do like the squats and sticking with the stuff that will get you to a 220 bench.
Right now you are ignorant, which is fine, but you’re mixing it in with obnoxious, which is not. Do the program or don’t, but don’t think for a second that you have the right to criticize the advice of folks that 1. are trying to help you and 2. can actually bench 220.
I finished Starting Strength a while ago, so I dont think I should go back to it.
And, well, I already started my first max day yesterday, so I will just mod ws4sb3. If doing DM is too fancy for me, I’ll do rep days instead, you would know. I will just leave out the squats. Thanks for your advice, I will get back to you when I can bench 2 plates and see where I can go from there
Also, I will look at EDT tonight, for future reference, Conorh.
I worked up to a 275 max lockout for my first day. It was suprising, but I presume you can do heaps more weight for half reps than normal reps. I will probably start a log friday in the log forum.
Thanks guys.
No? I’m a begginner. I am small. I am only 160lb. I am trying to get as big and strong as I can without impeeding on my breakdancing. I didnt realise westside was ONLY meant for big developed people.
I used to be a sprinter and jumper, and did lots of squats when I first started lifting, but now I am finishing highschool and am concentrating on my studies I dont have time for school sport, so I no longer run. I put on about 18lb of leg muscle in the year I was running and lifting, but now that I have lost it all from lack of squats and sprints I find it ALOT easier to do my gymnastics and breakdancing tricks.
No, you wouldnt want my genetics, I loose mucsle as easy as I gain it. I accidentally lost 8lb one WEEKEND, maybe 3lb of that would be water weight, but the point is I gain weight fast, loose weight fast, so it is annoying because I cant skip a meal.
Anyways, I am not making excuses, just telling a story. I have alot of work to do
If I record my technique will you more pro guys critique it? I’l link the 3 PL lifts.
Whilst you are pulling me apart, I might as well get some flame on my technique, if I can lol.