Bummer about the rib. I agree with the others about taking the rest. Maybe some light cardio, anything too strenuous like hill sprints, tyre/sled pulls, flips etc is likely to bother it as much as lifting would.
If I take time off it stokes the fire in my belly and I come back raring to go.
[quote]Null wrote:
Busted a couple ribs, twice, After the mistakes I made…
I would say let it ride. Don’t do anything that hurts.[/quote]
Yeah I’m starting to think that in this case,that is the best course of action.
[quote]cavalier wrote:
Agreed with Damutt, this is an opportunity to teach the young’un how to get through injury. He’ll be in sports for a while, may have to face the same thing.[/quote]
As much as I would like to agree with you guys.In this case its not going to happen. Ive already worked through one injury this year namely a pulled groin. Which I think might have lengthen the time of the recovery .
[quote]FarmerBrett wrote:
Bummer about the rib. I agree with the others about taking the rest. Maybe some light cardio, anything too strenuous like hill sprints, tyre/sled pulls, flips etc is likely to bother it as much as lifting would.
If I take time off it stokes the fire in my belly and I come back raring to go.
Heal up quick.[/quote]
Im afraid light cardio at this point is all I am capable of. Since any deep breathing bothers the hell out of it. Hell I cant even pick up a 40 lbs DB with my left arm without the rib telling me to go Fuck myself.
Unfortunately ,Up to this point the fire in my belly was starting to run on high flame. I was starting to notice a increase in my strength. So I was really getting fired up . To add insult to injury. Im pretty sure this rib injury wasnt the caused by lifting.
Rib dislocations from what I understand are caused by a direct impact or a twisting motion.
The night before I was pulling fence post out of the ground .
[quote]MattyXL wrote:
Bro this sucks, and even worse not lifting related, I hope you heal up super fast and start moving your ridiculous weight again[/quote]
Yeah, That’s the things that really gets under my skin.It wasn’t like I was going for some all time PR . I did this by doing something as mundane as taking down a fence and pulling out those damn fence post.
[quote]damutt wrote:
if you start pulling post again let me know I have a tool that may help you. Hell up damn it we have a meet to run…[/quote]
( using very bad Hispanic accent) Post puller? …I don’t need no stinking Post puller.
Trust me , If anyone who wants to heal up fast Its me.