Weird Marks

alright, lately i’ve noticed that i have these red marks that show up after i workout. there on my shoulders close to my pecs, is this a problem? they stay there for days.

I think you’re dying.

I get them too, usually on areas that rarely get worked that I hit really hard. They always just seemed like lines of busted blood vessels to me. I’m pretty sure it’s not a big deal.

Are you sure they aren’t just stretch marks?

I get the same thing today too and I just noticed another one on the shoulder today. Stretch marks have a slight purple hue to it…these marks are just plain red and very thin. They go away after like 1-2 days (stretch marks last A LOT longer than that yah?) To be honest, just make sure you eat well after your workouts to make sure your body can recover.

If anything, I’d say it’s good…you’re working hard and putting a lot of stress on your body…which means it hasn’t adapted to whatever you did and thus would increase it’s size.

No, stretch marks last much longer than that, in fact they are usually permanent.

Thought so, although, there are some creams out there that help make the stretch marks unoticable (including coca butter I think…)

Bar marks, pad marks from calve raise machine?

Were you using a standing calf raise machine or a leg press or hack squat machine that has pads that rest on your shoulders? I always get these marks when I use these machines. The pressure of the weight on top of shoulders creates this. Very common and nothing to worry about.

naw i was just working upper body, i thought it was from benching flat or maybe decline. i was also curling.

My wife just told me the other day that I get these after lifting. Seem to go away quickly. I never really looked close enough! Still alive at any rate.

[quote]PGA200X wrote:
Bar marks, pad marks from calve raise machine?[/quote]

I used to get bar marks from front squats big time.

if i were fat before i started lifting, would i have not gotten strech marks?

I got permanent stretch marks around the area where my biceps and shoulers meet. And they are pink/red and very thing, oh yeah, I got the permanent kind. Lucky fucking me.

i learned to use vitamin E on them, they fade away a little (ive only been using it for about a week or 2)

[quote]Myllz wrote:
I get them too, usually on areas that rarely get worked that I hit really hard. They always just seemed like lines of busted blood vessels to me. I’m pretty sure it’s not a big deal.[/quote]


Yeah, I find that if I use the standing calf machine for shrugs that the load on the shoulders will create red marks where the seams of my t-shirt get imprinted into my skin.

They don’t last long.