Well, after years of not having time to work out and stationary lifestyle I’m getting really unhappy with my body. My most active jobs lately have been in sales, and usually I have held desk jobs. To make matters worse, I commute over an hour each way to and from school, where I sit on my #$$ all day in class. In the last four years or so, I’ve gone from around 160 pounds to just under 190, and I’d like to shave that off. I’m also looking to gain some muscle definition and work on strength & endurance. I’m not looking to be huge or anything, but I don’t want to look skinny again either (I have a thin frame, and when I was 160 pounds people kept saying that I looked like I was starving, and guessed my weight to be around 120 to 140.)
Anyway, I recently got myself a gym membership at my school, but I don’t know much about developing a balanced workout routine. I’ve read some articles, but I haven?t found a routine online that quite fits me. I have four days (Monday through Thursday) available to work out, and I’d like to keep my workouts to around 45 minutes. I’d also like to try different exercises out to keep things interesting and see what works best. Here’s roughly what I’ve come up with:
Monday ? Chest, Triceps, Biceps, Upper Back
15 min jog
Dips; 3 x 8
Chins; 3 x 8
Curls; 3 x 8 (maybe replace with Dumbbell Presses?)
Tuesday ? Shoulders, Lower Back, Cardio
30 min jog
Deadlifts; 3 x 15 (I?m VERY uncomfortable doing high weight lifts right now… kept throwing my back out about a year ago, and I don’t want to screw it up again)
Shoulder Press; 3 x 8
Wednesday ? Chest, Triceps, Biceps, Upper Back
15 min jog
Dumbbell Presses; 3 x 8
Rows; 3 x 8
Overhead Extensions; 3 x 8
Curls; 3 x 8
Thursday ? Shoulders, Lower Back, Cardio
30 min jog
Deadlifts; 3 x 15
Upright Row; 3 x 8
Will this work, or is this just crap? And yeah, I’ve completely left out lower body workouts, but that’s because I’m more concerned with building up my upper body, and I think that the cardio will give me the definition I want in my legs.
Also, what are some reasonable goals I can set for myself in terms of weight loss and muscle gain? Here are my current stats:
Age: 23
Weight: 188
Height: 5’10
Body Fat: 23% or so
Right Bicep (not flexed): 12.5 inches
Chest: 38
Waist: 36