Weight Loss after Pregnancy

I am helping my wife lose weight after the birth of our first child and am looking for a little feedback and/or help! Okay here is the story - my wife has a family history of obesity, both her sister and her mother have had their stomachs stapled. She developed an eating disorder (bulemia) and got very thin. She was hospitalized and regained her weight. I met her in the gym and was actually her trainer for a time. She got in the best shape of her life while dieting with me for a BB’ing show using the Anabolic diet.

Now several years later she has gained all the weight back - mostly due to lack of exercise and poor eating during and after the pregnancy.
She is very upset about her figure and wants my help again, so here is my plan.

She is 5’5" and I don’t know her weight as she won’t let me see the scale. I am guessing about 230. She has a lot of muscle but I know she needs to lose a lot of fat. I am planning on putting her on fat fast with MD6 for 3 weeks (5 shakes a day consisting of 1 Tbs flax and 1 scoop Advanced Protein), then progressing into the T-Dawg diet for 4-6 weeks, finally eating JMB’s food combos for life! I have 3 bottles of T2 also but she is freaking out about messing with her thyroid!

She used to train with weights 4-6 times per week and had competed in several powerlifting meets, but I am going to treat her as a total beginner since she hasn't lifted for over 2 years. I planning on training her 3-4 times a week using ideas from a book called "The Low Body Solution" co-written by Charles Poliquin. Any help from anyone experienced with post-pregnancy weight loss or Fat Fast and women please help. I love her and will love her no matter what, but I want her to be happy with herself again! Thanks - Hugh

How long since she’s had the baby? Fat fast might be a bit extreme after childbirth, especially if she has lousy health from poor eating…why so extreme? (I’ve had two babies and lost 80 lbs after my last one)

Oh, and I have done the fat fast, will do it again soon.

Ironbabe - It has been almost 4 months since the baby was born. Only thought of fat fast to get her motivated again - quick visible results tend to motivate! I don’t want her on it long but her discipline has always been bad so I hoped that this would help her to eat many small meals a day too!

What were your results from fat fast? - Hugh

I had great results. The only thing is, either she’ll have to use norandro or up her calories to keep from losing much muscle. If she’s against the t-2, she might flip at the idea of prohormones. You have to let her know the risks, and what to look out for incase she has a low tolerance for androgens. Otherwise, up her calories and just the fact that she’s on a keto and low cal will help her lose. Most of all, just keep boosting her self esteem. She probably feels like this is an impossible battle and she needs support. Kicks in the ass don’t work near as well for most women as they do for men. Most women can get motivated better by gentle encouragement. If I can help in any way, let me know. I’ve been obese and I know how hard it is to like yourself when you are.

Thanks Ironbabe - I may be asking for more help from you in the future! - Hugh