Fat loss program / Obesity

I had lunch with my mother today. The discussion came around to her health and her weight. She has always had trouble with her weight, she has made all of the attempts that so many out there in the general public have made but she tries, sees no progress then gives up. Currently she weighs right around 250 at about 5’4". A few months ago I was really excited. She got a 3 month membership at the gym I go to and started training with my sister and a personal trainer. I thought that it might have done some good, but after 2 months, she had made no progress and quit.
Anyway, today at lunch we agreed that she would give training with me a try . I promised her that if she stuck it out with me for three months, training and totally changing her diet, she would have results. I’m certainly no expert and not a “personal trainer” but it has always been so depressing see my mother so over weight and unhappy (it is probably a large part of why I am so into lifting). We set a date of Oct. 2nd to start official training (we will both be out of town prior) and I am starting research here on the site for programs and fat loss diets. I plan on having her do the fat fast diet at least for the first two weeks.
My question is, has anyone out there had any similar experience that they could share?

I’ve done this whole bodybuilding training and diet thing for several years now, and I think it would be a mistake to start your mother on such a hard-core diet straight away. It may be effective, but that’s the toughest bodybuilding diet I’ve heard of! She will hate the lifestyle - and that won’t work. Better start her with a more regular sort of diet - such as the T-Dawg diet - and see if she can stick to it. After all, its long term results that will get her into shape.

Good advice. You are absolutely right that this has to be for the long run! I just want to make sure that she sees results quickly so that she doesn’t want to give up, but she is more likely to stick to a diet that is less harsh.

If you’re looking for ‘less harsh’ and something she can stick too for life, the Zone way of eating is it.
That’s not to say that 2-4 weeks of a keto diet to get her
started is bad. It’s just going to be a HUGE shock to her to
start eating like that. Good luck. I think it’s great you are willing to help her. patience dude.

I have to agree. My girlfriend just went through something similar with a “Body for Life” type regimen, starting out at 5’10" and 197#. She lost 11 pounds to begin with and then couldn’t get past 186. What kept her motivated, though, was her strength increases and changes in well-being. She went from someone who couldn’t squat with an empty barbell to 100# for reps in 8 weeks. This just amazed her. Also, she has had low back and knee pain her whole life, and suddenly, it doesn’t hurt any more. She had no idea what it felt like to be strong before this, and she just loves it. She doesn’t think too much about getting thin any more, she mostly wants lift more weight and learn to run around the block, which she had thought was impossible before. So think about focusing on the other, more immediate changes your mom will experience, and don’t try any hard core diet studff just yet. That is one thing that would really put most people off training.

I was gonna suggest Zone dieting, too. The planning can be difficult to measure out until you get the hang of it, but if you’re in charge of that part than your mom will have no problem. I’d especially suggest the book “40-30-30 Fat Burning Nutrition” which is a simple paperback Zone primer in everyday language, including recipe examples. If your mom doesn’t cheat, it’ll work.

I would not recommend a hardcore diet that she won’t be able o stick with. You really should read the Zone, when it comes to health no other book has nailed it down better. Make sure she uses fishoil start with 6 divided up and increase to 12 as she gets used to it. Don’t use postworkout nutrition with her, maybe a zone bar half before and after training. Because you do not want to spike her insulin ever if she is obesse. Make sure she walks one hour a day and does weight training 3 * a week concentrating on big bodyaprts not arms and abs for an hour. If you want to furher lower insulin use adkins blood sugar tabs 3- 4 a day.
She will loose about 1-one and a half pounds per week of straight bodyfat(not water like the keto diets) . Her health will be improved because of the presence of more good eicasanoids (read the book)!

I just picked up DiPasquali’s new Metabolic Diet I think its an excellent read for someone who is trying to lose bodyfat,and its much simpler than trying to follow the other trendy diets,plus you get to eat whatever you want(within reason) on the weekends.I would also suggest investing in Paul Chek’s Equal But Not The Same tapes a great source of information as far as training women.Remember to take baby steps and have lots of patience.Good luck.

I’d probably have her read Body for Life. Zone’s a great diet, but she probably needs inspiration more than yet another eating regimen.
I put a female friend on a program and it really struck home to me how difficult this all can be. So, I gave her simple intrction. Eat often, lie 5-6 times a day. Avoid starch. That and having her lift made alot of difference.

Great advice! Thank you all for your input. It’s really a great help, I will look into all of the things mentioned.
-nice point on working larger muscle groups, I noticed that the trainer she had used, has all of his clients doing lots of side delt raises and cable cross overs, and I thought that it was pretty inefficient.Thanks again. I will keep you posted.
P.S. Greg, Way to go! It sounds like you’ve got quite a girlfriend! There are a lot of fun things you can do with a strong woman. :slight_smile: