Hi guys. I was hoping you could help me. I have benn using the BSN Syntra 6 protien for a while and it is good. I woudl like to try and put on some more size so I may be looking for a wieght gainer. I am torn between BSN True Mass or MHP Up your mass. Any opinions here on which one is best. I am looking for an all around protien I can use throughout the day and at night before bed. Also any ideas for a post workout shake. I am looking at Core Nutritions PWO.
Thanks for the input and look forward to hearing your opinions.
Any reason you’re not considering Biotest’s Metabolic Drive and Metabolic Drive Complete?
I will check them out. I think they were a bit too expensive for me.
you get what you pay for man.
Hey John,
I know where your coming from when you say something’s were/are to expensive.
There are a few popular weight gainers going around, UP YOUR MASS seem’s to be very good a few of my friends have used it.
another one alot of people say they have good results with is Prolab N-Large II.
as for PWO you should get some carbs in with the protein some BCAA’s if you can, you can even throw in some creatine. alot of people have good results with a product called Vitargo.
Anyway! thats enough out of me.
Good luck champ.
I’m not a fan of weight gainer powders. Why not just put real food in a blender with regular protein. Add cottage cheese, olive oil, flax oil, fruit, nuts, peanut butter, milk, yogurt, oatmeal, milled flax, vegetables, etc. to your blender drink and you will get the additional calories with way more nutrients that are beneficial to growth.
[quote]tpa wrote:
I’m not a fan of weight gainer powders. Why not just put real food in a blender with regular protein. Add cottage cheese, olive oil, flax oil, fruit, nuts, peanut butter, milk, yogurt, oatmeal, milled flax, vegetables, etc. to your blender drink and you will get the additional calories with way more nutrients that are beneficial to growth.[/quote]
I’d save the money for the weight gainer and invest in a good protein powder, if you have some extra change, look into BCAAs and ZMA.
For PWO, (low fat) chocolate milk is a cheap and decent alternative.
Whole milk is the original weight gainer.
I’d go along with the idea of sticking to whole foods and using a protein powder, especially post workout.
Most weight gain powders seem to have lots of sugar in them, i’m sure some are ok but still, why not save the money and eat calorie dense foods like eggs, whole milk and nuts ontop of the meat and vegetables.
I remember when i used i just got to feel full up on the weight gain powder instead of the food, kinda pointless!
Thanks for all the input gents. It is all great and I will give it all a try. I have ordered True Mass by BSN. It is more of a AM/PM protein and some L-carnitine. I will let you guys know how it goes. I have tried Up your Mass and it is very good as for N-Large II it is full of sugar.
Thanks again talk soon.