Weight Gainer Powder

I’m putting an ecto friend of mine on the Skinny Bastard Diet next week. Can anyone recommend a high-carb, high-calorie, quality protein, good tasting weight gainer powder? Thanks a lot,


Add milk and natural peanut butter to any MRP. That’s better than most, if not all, sugary weight gainers on the market. Cheaper too. See the “Shake It Up” article at T-mag for a recipe.

Dorian Yates’ Mass Building Formula… w/ water… something like 84 carb, 42 pro. I used skim milk and it bumped the cals to like 850. It tastes great, and theres no simple sugars.

How high in the cals are you talking? And is nutritional content a major factor or just the cals? Taste-wise, a few that I like are Myoplex Mass, Mass Fuel by Twinlab, and the Choc. 1850/2200 by Pro Performance used to be pretty good…haven’t taken it in years, though. I seem to recall a few years back in an old M&F that they did a survey of all the gainers, and Pro Perf, Weider and I think Heavyweight Gainer 900 was the other one that tested well in the taste dept. I used to mix Vanilla Myoplex Mass w. a serv. of Fruit Punch Phosphagen HP and it was absolutely awesome…that works out to 650 cals/serv.

Beverly International

Joel, I think Jason Norcross said he was using ProLab’s N-Large for a while for the extra cals. I’ve tried it myself; not terrible at all. And I do believe that right now it’s on sale at Vitamin Shoppe, though I could be wrong. Hope this helps.

I found through study and experience that the best liquid protien is to take any natural meat, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, etc., chew it until there it is a mushy liquid goo, and swallow. Supplements rarely meet the bang to hype of 1:1. Unless this guy is so busy that he hasn’t access to real food, in which case it is mildly better than fast food.

Yeah, I’ve used Prolab’s N-Large and I think it is ok and probably one of the better weight gainer powders. Cytosport’s Muscle Milk is another that is pretty good, although not a weight gainer, it can add calories without the junk carbs. With that said, TEK suggestion of milk and peanut butter is a good one. You could even through in a banana to increase the cals further. Also, the Chanko Diet (issue 5?) might be another way to get some real food cals in his body.

Wow, sorry about the complete slop I just wrote. Before Eric Cressey and the grammar police come in and beat me silly, let me fix my statement.

Old Statement -

With that said, TEK suggestion of milk and peanut butter is a good one. You could even through in a banana to increase the cals further.

New Statement

With that said, TEK's suggestion adding milk and peanut butter is a good one. You could even throw in a banana to increase the calories further.

Thanks for the suggestions; keep in mind that he is a skinny bastard on the skinny bastard diet. Sugar content isn’t really an issue. Any other suggestions are welcome.

How about throwing in some heavy cream into whatever shake you decide on…if memory serves correctly this is/was advocated by the Beverly people…I might be wrong though.

Get these thru dpsnutrition, really cheapChapmpion Heavyweight Gainer 900, mixed with Cytodyne Cytoplex choc, I THINK I mixed it 3 scoops Champion, 1 Cytodyne, with 12-16 oz water, and the coup de grasa small can of orange sections and blend for 45 sec or so, the 2 chocolates and the fruit together~~oh my!! Both of these taste horrible on their own, but together!!!