Such Thing as a Good Weight Gainer?

I’ve been reading a bit about how bad these are lately.
I used one when I first started training 2 years ago and I gained 5% bodyfat and 1 kilo of muscle…never again I said but I’m sure there has to be a good weight gainer out there that taken at the right time can produce good results. I know there ain’t no weight gainer like food but I’m looking for an MRP to bump up the calories.
If anyone has used or knowns a good brand I’d be real grateful if you’d post up the necessary info.


Of all the weightgainers I’ve tried the best was MHP-Up Your Mass. In the most recent years I’ve used a protein combo(whey/casein), banana , non-hydro pnu butter in water or milk. That general combo has been the best thus far.


Metabolic Drive and or Grow! Premium Quality Whey and add whatever high calorie ingredient that floats your boat. Remember specific weight gainer products sold in most stores are just whey protein with high amounts of added sugar.


[quote]GetSwole wrote:

food indeed!

I’m with Dedicated. You could easily make your own concoction with healthier ingredients. If you need more calories, try eating more!

I used to use Prolab N-Large. It has maltodextrin rather than sugar, a decent protein profile and tastes pretty good. These days I’d just add more fruit, honey, olive oil, or whatever to my Metabolic Drive shakes. I haven’t tried Metabolic Drive Complete but that would probably be agood choice if convenience is an issue.

check the Popeye Smoothie from Berardi’s “Gourmet Meets Nutrition”

700 calories and tons of nutrition

I’ll use Cytosports CytoGainer from time to time.
75 g of carbs from maltodextrin, with 56g of protein. Tastes decent, but that’s a lot of carbs if you don’t handle them well.

Coconut oil mixed with chocolate protein powder and almond butter. HUGE cals, and tastes pretty damn good.

[quote]Thomas Gabriel wrote:
Coconut oil mixed with chocolate protein powder and almond butter. HUGE cals, and tastes pretty damn good. [/quote]

That sounds beautiful! Just have to find coconut oil and I’m good to go!

Thanks for the tips lads!