A Random Question I know but I was wondering if anyone can help me. I like most other people on this website love lifting weights and training in general but unlike most people on this site (I’m guessing) I like to smoke a joint every once and a while not every day but on weekends with friends etc.
Now obviously cannabis is bad for you and I shouldn’t do it, but what I’m curious about is if it has any specific affects on muscle building, testosterone levels, insulin sensitivity, and so on and so on. please no comments just slating drug use I know I shouldn’t do it but that’s not the point. G
I know what your saying about the vaporiser I’ve been meaning to buy a volcano one for years but I just ain’t got round to it yet. did “quids for puddings” mean a no no for sweets? thats not problem when I get the munchies I just eat copious amounts of chicken.
[quote]TheG wrote:
did “quids for puddings” mean a no no for sweets? thats not problem when I get the munchies I just eat copious amounts of chicken.[/quote]
I guess I overestimated my command of this language. What I meant was that I’m so sure, that I’ll be ready to bet British Pounds against puddings. I picked up the expression “dollars for donuts” in some movie and I tried to run with it, but apparently, failed miserably.
Bottomline, don’t worry about it so much. Cannabis was claimed to lower T-levels in the 80’s (peak of the drug war, anyone?), but subsequent studies have contradicted the findings. I’m not qualified enough to judge either methods, so I stay clear off weed to remove any doubt.
[quote]lixy wrote:
Bottomline, don’t worry about it so much. Cannabis was claimed to lower T-levels in the 80’s (peak of the drug war, anyone?), but subsequent studies have contradicted the findings. I’m not qualified enough to judge either methods, so I stay clear off weed to remove any doubt.[/quote]
I know this doesnt totally apply to the O.Ps situation but I used to smoke it heavily and my libido was next to nothing. I do believe it has an affect on T levels.
I heard THC increases aromitization of test, so lower test higher est.(not good). But Ricky Williams is an avid stoner and hes pretty stout. So who knows. Most stoners I have seen are pussies though but that could be because pot atracts pussies, not because pot makes pussies out of men. So in all, toke up if you want or dont if you think it interferes with your training.
For a four or five month period I was smoking almost everyday, during the same time I was lifting 4 days a week. I didnt notice any negative performance in the gym. I did not make any dramatic gains, but this could have just been a slow point in the cyclical nature of making gains. I did, however, get really bad acne on my shoulders and upper back and reduced libido (morning wood primarily). For the past month I’ve cut back dramatically (once or twice a month tops) and the acne has completely cleared up and libido is back to where it should be for someone in their early 20s.
Weed probably has some sort of effect on something lol.
Pick a solid training program, stick to it for 3 months, and eat in the ballpark of 500-700 calories about maintenance during that time. Pick a certain amount of pot to smoke, let’s say 3-5 grams/week, and see how your body progresses. Then maybe deload for a week or two, and run the same program over again with no weed.
Be our gineau pig, please. I’m actually very interested in the effects of marijuana and test levels. I’m assuming nothing drastic will happen, though. If anything your test levels may just balance out, because heavy weight lifting is known to increase test, and the research showing that pot decreases test is dodgy at best.
I usually do not smoke, more like eat the stuff. Once and awhile I will make a green tea with it when I make myself a bottle for the day.
I progress just fine in the gym, because I want too. I know other guys that don’t progress because they are just working out and I guess the weed has caused the low drive since they blaze 'til they are weak.
I grow my own stuff (two or three plants tops), but if you do not grow the right kind you’ll just find yourself sitting on the couch doing nothing. You smoke the other stuff, your whole house will be clean and your lawn mowed.
When I used to sell the stuff, I found out a lot of people with businesses and bankers and even a President of a bank did the stuff. I knew soccer moms that did the stuff, but you have to realize that most people are hypocrites. I had a mom get busted and her best friend destroyed her name and her son within the soccer league, yet she bought from me too.
Brother Christopher
P.S. I do not only grow the herb, I grow tomatoes, peppers, corn, turn-ups, lettuce, carrots, and I have a few apple/cherry trees, that I made myself in high school.
I think arnold used to smoke a joint after workouts helps relax muscles I’ve done it after some intense leg days very relaxing. Its also used as anti inflamatory so could help with nagging injuries. I don’t think its that bad for you in moderation, obviously being high all the time might be bad just like being drunk all the time.
excess in moderation…
your young and got plenty of T right?
unlike most stoners you train and eat correctly somewhat most of time i’m guessing, so it can’t effect you that much, but no one seems to have a definite answer.
I always thought it would be a good idea to smokeup before you cheatmeal/carbup meal, it must be like 100x more worth it than if you did it everyday.
anways put limits on yourself choose 2 days out of the week to bake and i would seriously consider the vaporiser.
also another thing related to what BrotherChris said:
despite what people think there are differences between the effects of different strains of herb.
I personally would go with a pure sative (i.e. purple haze), it gives you a cerebral high that doesn’t really seem to have that muscle relaxant effect. Tt gets you “high” rather than “stoned”.
i used to smoke several times a day and smoke occasionally now. i can hold my breath far longer than anyone else I know, except for one guy who actually smoked and still smokes more than me. go figure.
smoke and don’t worry about it. it’s not going to hurt your gains in any significant way unless it causes general laziness.
My expectations for this thread were totally dashed by reading it.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that- the opinions seem reasonable. I was just kind of expecting something akin to what the various ‘tobacco + lifting’ threads get.
When my dad was at his biggest (6’3", 285-290) he was smokin’ daily. Don’t think it’s that bad for muscle gains or anything. I know a lot of big, muscular guys who blow.
[quote]Otep wrote:
My expectations for this thread were totally dashed by reading it.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that- the opinions seem reasonable. I was just kind of expecting something akin to what the various ‘tobacco + lifting’ threads get.
Which is complete hate.[/quote]
Don’t hate the tobaccy either. Ever squat with a fat cork in your lip?