Weak Back

Hi Guys,

I have been using weights for a long time now, I am 40 years old 220lbs and look pretty good for my age. My problem is that I need to hit my legs hard but I have a weak lower back which restricts the kind of work I do on my legs,so if any one has any routines or suggestions they would be gratefully received.

[quote]iffyslinger wrote:
Hi Guys,
I have been using weights for a long time now, I am 40 years old 220lbs and look pretty good for my age. My problem is that I need to hit my legs hard but I have a weak lower back which restricts the kind of work I do on my legs,so if any one has any routines or suggestions they would be gratefully received.

This is one of the few times machines can help. A seated leg press, properly designed, can let you work your legs without your back.

Of course you can do weight belt squats. I just learned about them. You hook up your dip belt and do squats over two benches you set up in a V so the weight can go down between them. It allows you to squat without loading your back. I’m getting a dip belt for a couple of reasons, but this is a good one for hitting your legs hard.

You can switch what gets hit the most by putting some tilt on the benches (or getting a couple of wedges to stand on).

The weight belt/dip belt squats are a superior exercise, of course, read about them and you’ll see lots of praise for them.

[quote]iffyslinger wrote:
Hi Guys,
I have been using weights for a long time now, I am 40 years old 220lbs and look pretty good for my age. My problem is that I need to hit my legs hard but I have a weak lower back which restricts the kind of work I do on my legs,so if any one has any routines or suggestions they would be gratefully received.

Stiff leg deadlifts, Hyperextensions, and Good mornings are all great exercises for strengthening the lower back.

DZ’s dead on. Be careful though. Is it just weak or are there some medical problems? Though certain sections of this site love to condemn them the Leg Press machine can add strength and size.

Bulg split squats, walking lunges, all lunges, BW box squats. Slowly work on your back. you can work your legs and be sore as hell and not bother your back. As Hel said you can blast yourself with the leg press, single leg, pause reps and my favorite let it come to the bottom and let it click. When you bring it from the toilet it’s the best.

I’m 6’5" so I feel ya…always had trouble leaning over during squats and such.

stiff-legged deadlifts never seemed to cure it, nor did hypers.

Standing Good Mornings (with proper form) for a 4 week cycle absolutely took care of my problem. I really think it wasn’t so much a weak lower back as it was a weak posterior chain…lower back, hammy’s, etc.

All I know is my hamstrings thickened up almost overnite and now I never have trouble leaning over too much on heavy squats/deadlifts.

I think I just did good mornings and split squats twice a week…one workout was 5 sets of 5 and the next was 3 sets of 8 I believe??

I’m 37 and have had a ruptured L5, had a laminectomy surgery and it’s ruptured a bit again.

  1. Light Squats
  3. One leg squats

One leg and lunges allow for 1/2 the weight and just as intense a workout. It takes longer a set because it’s one at a time, but us old dudes need to concern ourselves with that!

Single leg calf raises does the same. A full 300lbs load on my spine is just DANGER and a sure hospital visit…but the drugs are good!

[quote]Rockscar wrote:
I’m 37 and have had a ruptured L5, had a laminectomy surgery and it’s ruptured a bit again.

  1. Light Squats
  3. One leg squats

One leg and lunges allow for 1/2 the weight and just as intense a workout. It takes longer a set because it’s one at a time, but us old dudes need to concern ourselves with that!

Single leg calf raises does the same. A full 300lbs load on my spine is just DANGER and a sure hospital visit…but the drugs are good![/quote]

Who you callin’ old?!*


  • 37 in July.

[quote]TheGrimRepper wrote:
Rockscar wrote:
I’m 37 and have had a ruptured L5, had a laminectomy surgery and it’s ruptured a bit again.

  1. Light Squats
  3. One leg squats

One leg and lunges allow for 1/2 the weight and just as intense a workout. It takes longer a set because it’s one at a time, but us old dudes need to concern ourselves with that!

Single leg calf raises does the same. A full 300lbs load on my spine is just DANGER and a sure hospital visit…but the drugs are good!

Who you callin’ old?!*


  • 37 in July.


37 is not old! You’re just seasoned and slow cooked like the rest of us. I’m in my mid 40s and I am feeling younger everyday. Of course, I am in heavy denial as well.

Anyway, to the OP. Is your back weak because of any medical problems or is it weak from lack of work? If it is medical, that needs to be checked out immediately. If it is just because of lack of work, well that is easy to fix. A good diet of Good Mornings, hyperextensions, reverse-hyperextensions (if possible), stiff leg and regular deadlifts and overhead lifting (Overhead squats, standing presses, power cleans and jerks, power snatches etc.) can fix that. Also, it is very important to thoroughly stretch your body on a daily basis. An old, stiff body can also lead to a weak lower back.

Rockscar, watch out for that back man! I don’t want to hear about you having to deal with another surgery after that last one and I’m sure you don’t want to either. Take some care on that.

[quote]ALDurr wrote:

Rockscar, watch out for that back man! I don’t want to hear about you having to deal with another surgery after that last one and I’m sure you don’t want to either. Take some care on that.[/quote]

As long as I don"t play full contact football anymore I should be ok!!!

BUT…I’m stupid too.

[quote]Rockscar wrote:
ALDurr wrote:

Rockscar, watch out for that back man! I don’t want to hear about you having to deal with another surgery after that last one and I’m sure you don’t want to either. Take some care on that.

As long as I don"t play full contact football anymore I should be ok!!!

BUT…I’m stupid too.[/quote]

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