Couple of great posts here… I personally would advise you to not do too much shit on your own. But familiarize yourself with as many combat sports as possible, watch competitions, fights all the way back from UFC 1, Shooto to Rings, Pride, to Current UFC’s and DREAM. Watch Judo, watch bjj, watch abu dhabi’s, watch everything.
Not to come off as a dick but how far do you want to go as a fighter. You better be fucking clear before you even walk in the gym. If you’re fairly uncoordinated now, change that shit asap… juggling, jumping rope, and hackey sack are severely underrated for that. 99% of successful fighters I’ve ever met always had above average coordination from a young age, and some are way beyond ‘normal’ or even ‘above average’. Most were just above average, but some guys are nearly fucking jedi’s.
There’s nothing you can’t do with some hard work but if you want to be top tier and you’re not naturally coordinated then you need to make it a huge priority.
In my personal opinion… Don’t. Even if you’re a naturally skinny guy. just start getting more protein in your diet 1-2gm per lb of bodyweight whatever you feel more comfortable digesting. And lift very heavy. In fighting relative strength is far far more important than being a big buff dude. You’re probably at a ‘natural’ weight for yourself now, but what you need to change is your body composition. More muscle, less fat.
But you don’t necessarily want to focus on scale weight. Goals are relatively similar but I want your perspective right. Scale weight doesn’t matter, it’s what happens in the mirror and in your performance.
“Cardio” I would focus on having a level of general fitness. You should be able to rep out non stop 100 pushups, 100 squats fairly easily. That is all you “need” at the moment till you start actually training combat techniques and kind of learn to specialize what you need for yourself. Until that point i would focus on getting a LOT stronger and changing my body comp.
When you start training MMA keep in mind why you’re doing certain things… the biggest athletic factor in MMA is power endurance. So make that a priority in your training…
It doesn’t matter who can hit hard once (and then gas) it’s who can hit hardest at the end of each round. When he’s tired and drops his hands if you can’t capitalize with a technically beautiful, and brutally powerful counter then you need to re-evaluate things.
schwarz outline is pretty good but you need to SLOWLY and GRADUALLY work into shit like that.
When you start training mma start ONLY with your MMA classes, get accustomed to those then add in weights and shit ONE day at a time. till you get adjusted to it.
Don’t just hop on a westside circa-maximal phase with 2 strongman days and extra kettlebell workouts while you bust out crossfit’s “Fran” before bed.
MMA: 5-6 days a week
adjust (4-6wks if you’re honest)
Running/Extra energy work: 1-3 days/wk
adjustment period
weights: 1-2x per week
adjustment period
shuffle things around now so you can do 3-4days of lifting and just 1 of running, or however you want (vice versa is good).
Final bit of advice… if you’re not going to do shit else. Even if you ignore everything else I say.
Work on your mobility. Save yourself the time from injury, the hassle of rehab, or the time it takes LATER to realize you need to be more flexible. Get in a yoga class or something if possible. Open up your hips, be able to sit full lotus, work on doing the splits and shit… get full mobility in your shoulders, activate your scapula, activate your glutes, all that goodness.
When you start training you’ll be a blank slate but you’ll have all the tools at your coaches disposable.
It’s one thing to get the best painter in the world, a blank canvas, and say PAINT!
it’s another to give the best painter in the world, a blank canvas, and access to every type of paint, paintbrush, pencils, erasers, and whatever else he needs.
Give your coach the tools and if he’s a good guy he’ll make a fighter out of you.