my numbers right now are:
Bench 285x1
Deadlift 405x1
Squat 500x1
Military 175x1
height 5’9
weight 197
this is my routine ive also stalled on all these numbers for two months.
Monday: Chest and arms
Bench press 5 sets 10,8,6,4,2
DB Flat bench: 3 Sets 6,4,2
Dips: 3x10
Curls: 3x10
Tuesday: Legs
Squat: 5 sets 10, 8,6,4,2
Deadlift: 4 sets 6,4,3,2
Front squat: 3 sets 6,4,2
Wednesday: Back and shoulders
Military PRess: 4 sets 8,6,4,2
LAteral Raises: 3x10
Shrugs: 4 Sets 8,6,4,2
DB rows: 4 sets 8,6,4,2
Chinups: 3x10
Friday: Complete upper body
Bench press: 4 sets 8,6,4,2
Dips: 3x10
Db row: 4 sets 8,6,4,2
Chinups: 4x8
LAteral raises: 3x10
I dont have a set diet i just eat a lot of foods packed with protein, Nuts,chicken, steak, cold cuts, whey protein, Peanut butter, etc
thanks for the help