Vitex - Still Good?

I want to know how many are still using Vitex and to what effect. Is it still worth using? I propose the using either AM OR PM is preferable since you need lactic acid for your leudig cells to be sensitive to a rise in LH. Also an every other day dosage may yield a similar effect. Brock, Bill, is there any validity to this?

I’ve been using 1 x 500mg vitex (no other add ons) for past couple of weeks 2 days on 1 off 3 on to fit in with training on rising along with cup of cofee and am amazed at the difference in energy levels, as far as the technical stuff sorry that’s out of my league. I will definitely be incorporating vitex in my suppl. program from now on, good stuff and CHEAP!!!

I’m currently in the middle of a 2 week off-cycle, and I’ll go back on next Monday. I was on 400mg a day (AM) for 5 weeks, and I did notice higher energy levels, a little more sweating, but I didn’t see real mass increases. We’ll se after a couple more cycles.