Long- Term Vitex Results

It must be about a year ago now that the Vitex craze swept the forum. Any long term users want to share their experiences? I think everyone agrees that it beefs up performance in the bedroom, but what about muscle gain/ fat loss? significant or not worth the $$?

At a measly $4 or $5 for a bottle of 100 caps…and using just one per day, I’d have to say ANY of the effects of vitex would be well worth the money. Everytime I’ve ever used it I always get all the symptoms of higher T levels including some mild strength and muscle gains and increased energy. I’ve done 3 cycles with each one lasting from 1 month to 6 weeks and it’s worked exactly the same every time so I’d say it definitely has merit.

I myself have not found any benifits from using vitex and have given up on it. I was taking 400mg per day of the ground herb which i’m sure was the amount suggested on the forum.

What dosages have others been using, have some found that they needed a higher dose to get any noticeable effects?

I just use one 400 mg of the Solaray brand per day. It does seem to be something that takes about a week to start working.

Kelly was that 400 mgs. of the standardized extract or 400 mgs. of the raw herb. I got results with 800 mgs. of the standardized extract which was about $12 for 60 tabs (1 month supply). I want to try the raw herb at 400 mgs. but it is hard to find.

I didn’t get much from vitex alone but I really like Biotest’s M. Must be the other stuff in there or maybe they use a better quality vitex that I used, which was a generic brand. M and Tribex make a great combo and have become a staple for me along with protein powder.

I gave Vitex a shot for a few weeks, but all I noticed was increased acne. So I do think that it had an effect, but it wasn’t a particularly good one in my case.

400 mg of the raw herb. I might add that when it comes to supplements i’ve always had a tendency to respond well to smaller dosages in comparison to what most people need.