Alright, I just started TBT, today being my second workout day. The first day I did incline bench presses for the first time. I used the weight I normally use for flat bench press, even though I normally use a higher volume than what the first day of TBT calls for. I did this because I hadn’t worked out in a week and wanted to be sure I didn’t fail.
Anyway, the lift proved much harder than I expected. I almost failed on the last rep. So, my question is, how does the the amount of wieght you use compare on certain lifts, the ones I want to know are:
Incline/Decline/Flat Bench Press
Sumo-style Deadlift, Regular Deadlift, Good Morning
Front Squat/Hack Squat/Regular Squat
Mainly, I want to know how good mornings compare to sumo-style deadlifts, because I did sumos sunday and I’m doing good mornings today.