Upright Row - Your Opinions

I really like upright row but I’m not sure, considering time constrains:

-drop it in favor of something else, or

-increase the usage of it significantly(10-15 sets) on either back day or shoulder day.

As I understand it its a very useful compound excercise that hits your middle/upper traps and shoulder girdle as a whole(cept maybe anterior delts), depending on a grip(close grip or almost shoulder wide grip) Need your opinions.

I like upright rows. Have basically replaced them with clean and press tho.
Some people get joint pain from them. (me too if too much volume). It can kinda pinch at the top of the shoulder.

I like them also. The options you outlined are

A) Don’t do them at all
B) Do them way too much

I suggest neither. Put them into your routine on a 5x5 or something to that extent and I think you will reap maximal benefits. This works well for me, at least. I do them on “push” day (chest, shoulders, triceps) because I feel it more in my shoulders than my traps.

I think that upright rows strains the traps too much, and affects other movements. I dont reccomand it.

I only do them using a rope & cable. Never with a bar. I find they are just as, if not more effective this way and cause me no bad strain on my traps.

[quote]Renton wrote:
I only do them using a rope & cable. Never with a bar. I find they are just as, if not more effective this way and cause me no bad strain on my traps.[/quote]

Me too. I’ve switched to high pulls and cleans for the most part but will do rows on rare occasions with lighter weights and high reps (4 da PUMP!). I ALWAYS use a rope or an attachment that lets my wrists rotate and keeps the stress off the rotator cuff and forearms.

Bottom line: Upright rows are a generally a bad choice. There are many exercises that allow heavier loads to be used safely and hit the same muscle groups. If you have the flexibility fine, but if you feel any discomfort from doing them, just do pulls and cleans.

[quote] Kruiser wrote:
Bottom line: Upright rows are a generally a bad choice. There are many exercises that allow heavier loads to be used safely and hit the same muscle groups. If you have the flexibility fine, but if you feel any discomfort from doing them, just do pulls and cleans.[/quote]

This is my opinion as well. Doing them with a rope tied to the bar (well, two ropes/towel, one for each hand) is the only saving grace I think they have, because they remove the strain on the shoulder and wrist from having the hand pronated. However, I figure you might as well just do hang pulls, and call them upright rows ‘with some hip action’.

Hmm, good points here. I usually pull to around nipple height with the bar, any higher and I feel the stress on my wrists more than anywhere else. I will try using the cable rope next week.

Try it on the Smith machine they are actually kind of fun when using The Smith. I have gotten some great results from upright rows.

Day used: Shoulders

Variations (in the order that i like them)

  1. DB (greater freedom, and comfort)
  2. Cable upright rows with a rope
  3. Smith U-rows (occasionally)

I hate them, they hurt my shoulders

[quote]Boffin wrote:
I hate them, they hurt my shoulders[/quote]

Agree, they are the an injury in disguise.

i do upright rows and really like how they feel. i just had a question. in most of the recommendations it says to put your wrists around a foot apart. my wrists touch when i do the motion and touch my chin. thoughts?

Uprights are great imo, really feel them working. I suggest going a little wider (not to wide either) on them than norrow, in my opinion this makes the joints and the movement slightly more natrual equalling less injury chance.

Uprights have really helped in building my upper traps and delt, every time i do uprights my traps pop out of nowhere and my whole body squares up love em.

I suggest using an Ez bar aswell instead of a barbell (if your are that is) the Ez bar was developed for a reason!

Never diss an upright, keep strict form and a workable load.

[quote]rsg wrote:
Boffin wrote:
I hate them, they hurt my shoulders

Agree, they are the an injury in disguise.[/quote]

Same Same. And they make my wrists feel like crap.

People say they cause injuries, I personally never felt any discomfort doing them, just in my wrists. So I use dumbbells or a rope on a cable pulley.

If Upright Rows hurt you then try doing them with Dumbbells and don’t pull as high. There. Problem solved.

I think upright rows kinda suck because they don’t make me stronger. If something doesn’t make you stronger, how good can it be for developing size?

I’m not saying if something doesn’t make you stronger, it’s not good for size. God knows I’m not big. But I’d like to hear an answer on this one. It seems to me that the better something is for building strength, the better it is for size.

I think there are better wasy to widen your shoulders and beef up your traps without potentially chewing up your rotators.

There was a similar exercise i tried a while back though… it was like a shrug with dumbbells but you pull up consciously using your shoulders, making shure that the dumbbells stay in contact by your sides.

You could sort of describe it as a lateral raise but while having your hands fixed to your sides. Works great.

[quote]jzl1388 wrote:
i do upright rows and really like how they feel. i just had a question. in most of the recommendations it says to put your wrists around a foot apart. my wrists touch when i do the motion and touch my chin. thoughts?[/quote]

Oh Really?
Videotape that. I gotta see this.

[quote]jzl1388 wrote:
i do upright rows and really like how they feel. i just had a question. in most of the recommendations it says to put your wrists around a foot apart. my wrists touch when i do the motion and touch my chin. thoughts?[/quote]

That sounds worse than the regular style!!

I don’t like barbell uprights for a range of reasons, mostly to do with them causing shoulder and wrist issues.

IF someone wanted to do them I’d say use a rope or DBs, but I too think there are much better moves out there for traps etc.