Ive been doing bodypart splits for a long time now. Chest one day, back another for example. I wanna start a full body split tommorow to change up for a couple of weeks. I want to do some lower reps to change up from the high reps, and to also add some strength training in. Thanks to CT’s Training Strategy Handbook id devised a full body workout. Im going to share it and see if you guys think its enough to grow on. -Parentheis shows (reps)/ sets.
Tuesday: ATG Squat (8)/3
Deadlift (8)/3
Leg Press (6)/3
Leg Curl (6)/3
Lunges (8)/3
Leg Press calf raise (8)/3
Thursday: T-bar row (10)/3
Incline Bench (12)/3
Lat Pulldonw (10)/3
BB Snacth (12)/3
Chinups (8)/3
Tricep pushdowns (12)/3
Saturday: Front squat (10)/3
Good Morning (12)/3
Leg Press (10)/3
Pull Thourgh (10)/3
Bulgarian Squat (8)/3
DB Calf raise (12)/3
What do you guys think? Ive never really did a ture full body. Ive tried, but i felt that it didnt do anything. Im 215 and 6 foot. Cause everyone ask for it. It you dont think it will provide enough stimulus let me know. I want every muscle stimulated. Thanks
Your volume per bodypart looks a little low to me. I’m not saying you couldn’t grow on that. But I think you’d have better results adding a few sets to each exercise. What is your rest scheme? How much rest are you planning to take between sets? And are you going to use supersets and trisets? You really should.
I think it looks pretty good. However you said you want to focus on strength for awhile but your barely dipping into what most would consider pure strength rep range.
I made this suggestion on another thread regarding an upper/lower split (which is what you have laid out, not a full body routine… not that it matters what you call it):
" I would start each day with 1 heavy exercise per lower day (a squat and a deadlift) and 1-2 on upper body days (a push and a pull). Everything else I would do 2-4 sets of 6-10 reps"
With your split I would apply it a little different. I would switch the exercises on your lower body days so one day is back squats and goodmornings and the next is deadlifts and front squats. Hit the first exercise heavy in the 1-5 rep range.
On your upper body days I would pretty much keep it like you have it, just go heavier on the first two exercises of the lower rep day.
I think you will get significantly more strength gains this way and you still have plenty of high rep stuff to feel the pump.
To JSB, Im going proboly going to have a minute to a minute and a half rest between each set. I wasnt planning on doing supersets or trisets. Ill proboly try supersets though since you mentioned it. How many sets do you think i should add? I want more volume.
To JN, Thanks for the input. I know its not Full body, but i meant it as ive been doing splits forever so the upper/lower split is going into a different territory. Thats a good idea on swicth the good mornings and deadlifts beacuse of the atg squats and front squats. I like the idea of going real heavy of the first leg exercise and the first 2 of upper body days.
To Miserere, I know i said a couple of weeks, and a couple means 2, but i didnt mean it that literaly. Ill proboly do it for 4 to 6 weeks, and if i like it alot 8 to 12.
[quote]Mike T. wrote:
To Miserere, I know i said a couple of weeks, and a couple means 2, but i didnt mean it that literaly. Ill proboly do it for 4 to 6 weeks, and if i like it alot 8 to 12.[/quote]
OK, so you might be doing it for 1/3-1/2 dozen weeks then.
If you’re really interested in strength and full body, you might want to consider one of the classic 5x5 routines. Here’s a link to one by Bill Starr:
Looking at it again, it looks pretty good. Monday’s looked a little light to me, but the other days have more volume. I would consider doing 10x3 for all compounds on Monday. If not, I’d still up it to 8x3 for the current 6x3 exercises.
[quote]Miserere wrote:
Mike T. wrote:
To Miserere, I know i said a couple of weeks, and a couple means 2, but i didnt mean it that literaly. Ill proboly do it for 4 to 6 weeks, and if i like it alot 8 to 12.
OK, so you might be doing it for 1/3-1/2 dozen weeks then.
If you’re really interested in strength and full body, you might want to consider one of the classic 5x5 routines. Here’s a link to one by Bill Starr:
I’ve done it and loved it.[/quote]
I’ve heard good things about it. How was your growth on it?