Hey guys. About a week ago I told you all I was ordering from Netrition and that I’d give you an update. Well, I got my package yesterday, unopened and no duty charged! It probably has a lot to do with Netrition’s labeling also that I ordered as a gift so the price wouldn’t be on the packing slip. Now I don’t kow i I got it becouse of the labeling or because the Canadian border was understaffed due to the Summit of the Americas in Quebec but all I know is I got it and am excited as hell to try it. So with that, I need some application advice: I work shift work so is it OK to vary application times or should I stick to the 8 am & 8pm like Bill said? Also, I’ve got pretty damn hairty legs so will this affect the absorption? Don’t want to waste any of this. On a side note, Netrition said airmail was my best bet so I paid about $25 CAN extra for it but the package said $3.75 US and had an airmail sticker on it. I don’t know what that’s all about but it’s still chearer than me driving to the US to get it so I’ll eat the loss and be happy with getting the shipment. Worked out to $78 and change CAN. Good luck with your orders!
On the Netrition shipping charge. I have ordered products from Netrition many times and also noticed that the amount charged for shipping was always higher than the postage on the package. The diffrence is usually around 10 - 12 USD. I asked Netrition about this and they said that the extra charges are levied because of additional costs they incur for international orders such as for credit card fraud.
I am NO expert, just started my first cylce of Androsol and Nandrosol today. I shaved, because I thought I would get better absorbtion.
thank for the link willie !
Speak you french ? I come from Quebec also…
I posted this in another thread, but if any of you Canuks want some hassle from Androsol, I got some from renegade nutrition. Call and ask.
oh yeah how much did it cost rubberman?
If you would know the real price of shipping look at usps.com
59.99 a bottle, no tax, free shipping over 200 bones. I might have paid a little more, but it arrived at my door in 2 days with no customs/exchange hassle.
Rubberman, is that in canadian or american funds and from what site/