Mag-10 for Canadian Boyz?

Okay this is a LONG shot, as usually us Canadians get fucked in the ass by the feds when it comes to supplements…but will anyone like or carry this stuff?? I’m pulling a few favors to try and get a pre-order of it shipped to BC, then over to me here in AB…I got Androsol okay doing the same thing, so I’m crossing my fingers that this stuff will make it over the border without TOO much cost to our border patrol…though with the word “Steroid” right smack dab on the label, I could be dreaming. (Note to biotest labs. When shipping to Canadian Boyz, we don’t mind if you change the label from “Mag10 Pro-Steroid Delivery System” to “Barney’s A-1 Prune Juice Delivery System”)

Sorry for ranting, but I thought I’d get that off my chest. I’d love to run for office and be personally responsible for AXING the feds ridiculous adoption of the nutritional food guide standards, and replace it with an official T-regulated one…or at least one which is not biased by any dairy/meat/grain industry lobby group…

Enough ranting, time for liftin’!!

Amen, brother, amen.

When it comes to supplements, being in Canada is a pain in the ass. Being in Alberta is even worse. Apparently our customs in this province are the most strict. Biotest can ship to any province but AB. Lucky us.

Damn, I was just going to post this message myself. I sure as hell hope there is a way to get this stuff in Canada. In my area, Androsol and Nandrosol are somewhat readily available, and I think it would be a damned shame if the same can’t be said for Mag-10 eventually. Hey Biotest boys, you gonna ship this stuff up to Canada (ontario) ???

Dude, where the hell are you shopping from supps.??? I’ve been everywhere Hamilton, Oakville, Mississauga, Brapmton, Toronto, Markham - pretty much anywhere within 100 KM from Mississauga where I live and work. I have never been able to get my hands on the A-sol!!! Hook me up with a source. Are you telling me that you’ve gotten your A-sol Shipped problem free??? Are you going into a store and buying it off the counter??? Are you God playing tricks on me??? I’ll be good if you help me out finding a source. The last chance I had was months ago. Musclemag store out in Hamilton sold it, they got booked at the border and haven’t gotten any since. I got my T2 from there. I got to say it again -WHERE ARE YOU SHOPPING???

Being that I reside in the Toronto area I would also really like to know where you are buying Androsol. I’ve never had a problem getting it through customs but it costs big $$ that way. Thanks in advance.

I’ve never had problems with Androsol coming over here, in fact I had 6 bottles come with no problems. I’m just worried about MAG 10 because of the word “steroid” on the bottle. You know some customs agent will see it and automatically think the worst, and if he’s having a bad day that won’t help. You want your “sols” just get them from renegade, you have to call them.

Hi man,

Try It’s the distributor of biotest for Canada.

Have a nice day

Hey there brother… Can you help me out here??? I really want to start a Fat Fast and need the A-sol quick time. Thanks in advance Bros. How easy is it to get A-sol shipped to Ontario straight from Biotest???

Bear, MuscleMag Hamilton should have the A-sol again. I remember when their order got stopped but they got a bunch in after that.

Just go to and use the toll free phone number to give them a call! Then Ask them about Androsol, and order it :smiley:

Yeah guys, just pop on by MuscleMag in Hamilton on the weekends. I know they have it in stock because I work there :slight_smile: Make sure you mention the T-mag forum when you come, but I am only there on Saturday and Sunday.

Thanks a million guys!!! I’ll be mutating into my new body in no time. I just some final questions… Has anyone had great succuess in ordering straight from Biotest and getting it in Ontario??? I’d love to get the 3 for 2 deal. Does Renegade honour this deal too???

Hey BigK, I read on another post that you’re doing a finasol cycle with androsol and nandrosol. How have your gains been and how did you get the pellets into ontario? I want to try this bad but dont know how to get the pellets. thanks

Yah you can definately get it into Ontario, I did. Anyways It’s not worth it for Canadians to Order from there it’s too expensive, you will get a higher shipping fee and customs fee. I recommend getting it straight from Renegade, it’s 49.99 per bottle i believe, but this is Canadian money, you don’t get buy 2 get 1 free, but Biotest sells it for same price American, plus shipping, customers… Turns out cheaper from Renegade. they have Free shipping after a certain amount of money spent, it’s really easy to spend a lot of money just get some Androsol, tribex.

Well I have to tell you that I chickened out where the finasol is concerned. I have a very strong desire to stay 100% natural and in the end the morality won out for me. I’m not knocking anyone who uses any stuff with extra oomph, its just not for me, not right now. I want to push my natural limits to see how far I can take myself, and for me that means no juice, and no prohormones, at least for now. Given that, I just finished (yesterday) the most successful mass cycle of my entire life, and am now about 241 lbs at 7% bodyfat.

Hey bigk

if we come in and mention the forum, will you give us deals?

BigK, so you didnt do the fina, but DID do the androsol and nandrosol? how much did you gain? I’ve been in MuscleMag a few times in the past, are you the smart university guy that works there? whats the price of the sprays?

Anyone find Mag-10 on
Looking for a way to get some a few bottles.

BigK - You are my new hero. I will visiting you a week from Sat. to pick up the goods. I was wondering, How different is the new MD6 compared to the old MD6?? The place in Oakville where I usually get my Biotest stuff still gets the old version. Any ideas on Mag-10 or the T2 Pro?? One more thing, can you post a message on the forum if you guys run out of the A-Sol by next week?? I was gonna apply to the MuscleMag in Oakville (by AMC) but I remember someone in your store saying that you guys will be the only store getting this stuff.

I just want to thank all of you Canadian ManiMals for helping me be able to find out new places to shop.