Upcoming Problem, Track Season

Track season starts Feb 26th. I’m a sprinter, so I’m going to use the practices/meets as my cardio. Now the problem is this; every day after school we have practice. Normally this is when I lift.

Would lifting first thing in the morning, and running after school be efficient? Should I still expect to gain some muscle mass? Also, would moving my squats to Saturday, to prevent me from being spent for practice, be a good idea?

is your main goal to run well, or to build muscle? if its to run well, focus on that more than weight lifting.

Well, I’d like to run well, and I feel that lifting would help me do that.

However, I’m not going anywhere with track, as fast as I am, my times just aren’t low enough to get me a scholarship, so I would like to add muscle mass if possible.

I was thinking of workout out in the morning, and saving my squats for Saturday, that way I have until Monday afternoon to recover.

Deads/Back/Bis - Tues
Bench(Chest)/Tris/Shoulders - Thurs
Squat/Legs - Sat

Seem like it wouldn’t be too taxing, allowing me to run during the week. Of course, on the days I’d have meets, some of them on Sats, then I would have to skip the workout.

in season lift brief and strenght based aim to not do a tion of damage concentrate on better performance on the track and use the weights to keep what you have or get a bit stronger. Hitting the gym and tearing your self up isnt going to transfer to great performance.

Eric Cressey would be a great one to contact about in season training
