[quote]smallmike wrote:
bball_mc wrote:
Hey, I have a problem with upcoming outdoor track season. Right now my workout schedule is:
Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Back/Biceps
Friday - Shoulders/Triceps
However track season is gonna be taking up a lot of time and I need to find a way to get all my lifts in without letting DOMS interfere with my track peformance.
The schedule for track is:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - Practice
Tuesday and Friday - Meets
I will have to do my leg workout on friday or thursday after the meet to allow myself time to recover from the soreness. Can anyone think of a new schedule I could use?
Which is your priority, track or lifting? Are you doing track just as a fun activity, but your main goal is getting bigger, or do you mainly want to be better at track and use lifting to aid your performance?
If you are just doing track for fun, you probably wouldn’t be asking this question, since it wouldn’t matter too much what your performances were like. You would still have to reduce your lifting a little and eat a lot more, but being fully recovered for meets wouldn’t matter.
If, however, you want to do well in track, the bodybuilding-type split you’ve set up will have to take a backseat. I am assuming you are a sprinter (correct me if I’m wrong). It seems like you are going to be doing a ton of CNS intensive stuff (2 track meets/week!), so the practices can’t involve more than recovery/low intensity stuff.
Two high intensity sessions/week over an extended period of time is about all most people can handle. (Well, people can “handle” a lot more work, but their sprint performances would start to suffer.) I would do a full body strength workout once a week just to maintain. Anything more and you might be applying more stress than your body could recover from.
As far as timing, there are not many recommended times when you have meets twice a week, but your idea of doing it the day after the meet to lengthen the recovery period for the next meet is a good one.
Do you really have 2 meets every week? Most track teams in my area only have 1 meet/week at most. If you find a week with only 1 meet, and you don’t want to use it as a deloading week, then you can either do a high-intensity full body weightroom workout or a high-intensity sprint practice instead (but not both).
I’m looking for a mixture of both getting bigger and improving my track performance. I know that’s a pretty bad answer so I’m gonna say lifting more so. I don’t think we’ll have meets every week like that… I have to schedule lying around somewhere I’ll find it. And yea I’m a sprinter… I ran the 400m in state and a 50, 400, and some relays in regular meets.