Unilateral Lat Work

When i started workingout i just did chinups curls and overhaed presses (go easy on me, i was uninformed) and because i was so light i was able to do loads of chinups, like almost 20, and i would show off by doing one arm chinups.

But quite stupidly i only ever did them with my right arm and now i’ve noticed there is a massive size difference between my left and right lats.

The only way i can think of building up my left lat is by doing one arm negative chinups with my left arm (cos i can no longer do one arm chins with either arm since i’ve added about 40lbs since then)

Are there any other excersizes i can do? at my gym the lat pull down machine wont work unless you use both arms. i supose i could use a high cable?

just do lat work at a load that your left lat can handle. Your right lat is going feel as though it is super easy but your left lat will feel it for sure. Just make sure you are using your left lat to lift and not allowing your right lat to take over.

1 arm rows using just your left side, straight arm pulldowns again with your left side.

[quote]plateau wrote:
1 arm rows using just your left side, straight arm pulldowns again with your left side.[/quote]

do you mean bent over rows? i thought they increased lat thickness.
As i do a lat flair my right side is a clear few inches lower than my left.

i’m not sure what you mean by a straight arm pull down, do you mean a pullover? or do you mean a pull down machine? the pull down machine at my gym wont work unless you use both arms.
sorry if i sound a bit stupid, but i just wanted to clarify beacuse generally your reply is very helpfull.