(Un)Official 2025 T-ransformation Challenge

Ha! As if this and the previous years’ challenge threads don’t 100% prove the opposite. I mean, sure, there are a couple of regular posters who’ve got this figured out, but most of us? No.


Man, I hope you will beat me this time :slightly_smiling_face: it is good to have some good competition mates :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Weighed in at 90Kg today. Not too bad considering I started the year with a 2 week holiday.


Learning how to eat until “not hungry” vs “until full” was a big game changer for me. It’s also right up there with recognizing legitimate hunger vs feeling “snacky”. I’ve eliminated lunch from my life at this point, because I realized I wasn’t ever actually hungry when lunch rolled around: I was eating because it was “lunch time”. COULD I eat? Yeah, sure…but I didn’t NEED to eat. On weekdays, I wait until dinner, using Metabolic Drive to keep protein up until then, and on weekends I have breakfast and dinner without the MD, and I feel SO much better as a result. Like you noted: not walking around feeling “full” all the time, but lighter and better able to move and play. And dinner is SO much more enjoyable as a result, because I can sit down and feast, vs having to restrict because I had too much food through out the day leading up to that point.


Weighed in at 96.6kg today. It’s been at that for 5-7 days now.
Out of curiosity how long do you give it before you drop calories?

I will typ. drop after 2 weeks of stagnation. Prior to doing that I will have a high day where I eat more cals than normal of the same foods to see if that will spark the fire. If not i’ll drop 200cals.
Where are you cals currently and what are your macros?


Looking jacked!

I’m with @s.gentz I don’t count calories, but I don’t consider my weight stalled until about 2-3 weeks at the same number. 5 days isn’t even on my radar for trends. I don’t weigh myself daily in general, but if I do, it’s more just to appreciate the fluctuations that will naturally occur through the week.


What you suggested before, 2200, 160p, 55f, rest I carbs.
I’ll leave it another week, if it’s not shifted I’ll drop it 100-200 calories.

I try to weigh myself daily but I don’t pay attention to each days weight, I’ll base it on the last 3-5 days. Just find that if I do it once a week it could fly up depending on when/what I ate the previous day.

I would base it week to week, and look at trends.

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I was 96.8 on jan 29th, 96.5 on feb 1st, 96.7 on the 2nd and 96.6 today. So basically stayed the same for 7 days

Is this your first 7 days on this nutritional protocol?

How long have you been running this? Where where your cals prior?
Do you have a training log? Very hard to keep track of this info randomly.

No, since 16th of January, there abouts. I started at 98kg

Started it on the 16th of January. Didn’t count calories before. I do greyskull 3 times a week. I’m a walking postman on Mondays, walk between 5.5-7 miles, 15000 steps-ish) depending on how busy it is. I work indoors the rest of the week, get between 5000-9000 when I work indoors. The steps are based on a pedometer app on my phone that stays in my pocket, probably not overly accurate.

I would say stay here for another week. If you have been consistent with cals the last 2 weeks and the scale is not moving then we now know what your maint setpoint is and can start making adjustments.
I would suggest starting a training and diet log that you update daily. If you have questions it’s easier as all of your info will be there.


Cheers :).

Here a link to my log if you wanna use it as a template. Just copy/paste and make the changes for the day. Takes less than 5min.

Thanks Shane, still lots of work to do, but then I kinda feel like that no matter what.