I believe I have an umbilical hernia and since yesterday it has increased to about 1 cm (the only weird part is that the skin isn’t bulging, but that I see about 1 cm of bowel in my belly button). Obviously I am going to the doc soon, but I already know the answer: stop lifting or surgery. Stopping lifting isn’t gonna happen and surgery is fine, but the coming months I have planned a ton of things and I would not like to change this. Afterwards (october) I might consider surgery …
I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to deal with this? So far I have read that breathing technique is important…normally I don’t pay attention to this but I know on the hardest lifts I usually hold my breath. Apparently exhaling during the lift is better.
Also strengthening the abdominal wall seems important. However my hernia became significantly worse (it doubled in size) after a mixed core / deadlift workout, so I don’t know if doing core work is very intelligent. I will temporarily drop deadlifts. I really hope not needing surgery. I once needed surgery for ulnar nerve entrapment, somebody on t nation here gave me a link to some nerve stretching exercises, and 2 months later I was lifting at 100% without any damn surgery, so I have high hopes!
Any advice is welcome, no need for evidence based medicine!
Some lifters go many years with an umbilical hernia. Most Dr. don’t like to do the repair unless you are ready to stop serious lifting. Many people have the repair done and experiance tightness/pain in the area from then on. IMO…consult your doctor, but ask serious questions about what he is willing to do if you aren’t happy with the repair.
I have two high hernia’s right now. One in the belly button as you describe and another several inches lower that protrudes also.
I had one below the waist which was surgically repaired over five years ago and has never caused me any problems since. At the time my surgeon who specialized in hernia operations told me specifically not to do anything with the higher ones unless they started to cause me problems because the risk of side effects was much greater.
I have been lifting ever since then without a problem and currently doing 5-3-1 based on a 465 lbs. max. I also hold my breath when OHP and bench pressing with some relatively heavy weights (250 OHP max and 385 Bench max0 without any problem.
I wouldn’t change anything unless you start to experience pain in the area in which case you will obviously have to see a doctor.
[quote]DBasler wrote:
I have two high hernia’s right now. One in the belly button as you describe and another several inches lower that protrudes also.
I had one below the waist which was surgically repaired over five years ago and has never caused me any problems since. At the time my surgeon who specialized in hernia operations told me specifically not to do anything with the higher ones unless they started to cause me problems because the risk of side effects was much greater.
I have been lifting ever since then without a problem and currently doing 5-3-1 based on a 465 lbs. max. I also hold my breath when OHP and bench pressing with some relatively heavy weights (250 OHP max and 385 Bench max0 without any problem.
I wouldn’t change anything unless you start to experience pain in the area in which case you will obviously have to see a doctor. [/quote]