Hey guys, I recently discovered what I believe to be an umbilical hernia about 2 weeks ago and honestly I’m at a loss about what to do. I’m currently in a cutting down( weighing 196lbs) and noticed a very small bulge above my belly button. Doesn’t bother me at all and I’d say I have to push it back into place a few times a day. Has not gotten bigger and isn’t causing any problems. I’m currently transitioning from strength training to body building and I’m curious if anyone has continued training with an umbilical hernia and if so, is there any advice you’d give? I will eventually get it checked out but I want to finish my cut first
Hey, I have a radiator leak in my car. It’s pretty slow and it only leaks when I turn it on. Do you think I should bring it to a mechanic?
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Maybe if you sing it a song it will go away.
But, in all seriousness dude go see a doctor.
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Definitely a fair assessment
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