Ultimate Cable Machine Handles

Ultimate Cable Machine Handles

These are made by Allbingo. They’re grippy, a bit fatter than standard handles, and all the hardware and webbing is overbuilt to last a lifetime. Worth picking up.

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Thanks for this @Chris_Shugart! I believe you read my mind here.

Been looking for some rigid cable handles to support my work with the Synapse CCR pulley equipment. Appearantly tested for tolerances up to 660 lbs (!) - but in more practical terms the max weight you can produce with one arm/leg (which is much less obviously). I have yet to find a better option than what you have suggested here.

Question/concern: Do the handles bend or stay rigid? What does the pattern of the handles feel like? Do they hurt or leave impressions in the palms?

Btw, I’m curious to hear whether you have tested other handles. Are there other handles that came close in your investigation of alternatives?

Thanks in advance!

  1. Handles stay rigid. Maybe a slight bend, but not enough to pinch.
  2. Very comfortable.
  3. Not that I’ve noticed.
  4. I’ve tested several over the years from metal to foam. These are the best I’ve found.
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