[quote]Quinnthology wrote:
I agree that this is more appealing than the Affliction event but I still want to see Fedor rumble. Initially I thought Wandy would be fighting in this event but I guess not. Anyways good to see Anderson step up.[/quote]
Why? Silva runs the risk of fucking up his record with a loss to a mediocre light heavyweight, just because Dana is a piece of shit and wants to press out the competition from other companies. I don’t mind Silva moving up, but if he does risk it, it should because he wants to challenge a top LHW legend or champ. Wanderlei Silva would be a great matchup. And he should do it because he want to, not because Dana does.
This is what will happen: Causal MMA fans considering buying the card on PPV or going to a sports bar to watch the Affliction card instead stay in and watch the free show on Spike because it promises “The Top Pound for Pound Fighter in the World” moving up in weightclass. This will draw the important sales away (the noobs) and then Affliction will have spent an enormous amount of money on this card which will only deliver to a mediocre level. Noobs will always take what is free by someone they know has a good reputation. They’ll read about the Fedor fight tomorrow on the internet.
There was an interview only about a week ago of Dana saying that he didn’t like fighters moving around in weightclass and he wanted Silva to stay where he was. I think he just realized that this Affliction card will actually pose a legit threat, especially if they continue to put together solid cards.