Next time you think, you’re not making gains because you missed a protein shake and that spirals you down into a dwindling cesspool of misery and depression which has the local doc prescribing the old Zoloft, just check into youtube first and check out this video:
I think its great and all and most of you will probably think I’m a horrible person after saying this but…I think the video was funny-training- sorry kill me.
[quote]shizen wrote:
I think its great and all and most of you will probably think I’m a horrible person after saying this but…I think the video was funny-training- sorry kill me.
humble, props to you for posting this video. this kid is the s–t!!! i ain’t ashamed to say this brought tears to my eyes. lots and lots of todays youth need to see this video for breakfast and lunch and dinner and between meal snacks for awhile, know what i’m sayin?
[quote]rackrecker wrote:
humble, props to you for posting this video. this kid is the s–t!!! i ain’t ashamed to say this brought tears to my eyes. lots and lots of todays youth need to see this video for breakfast and lunch and dinner and between meal snacks for awhile, know what i’m sayin?[/quote]
I hear ya.
I too, cried.
This is another that today’s youth need to see:
Old Arab saying, [i]“Contentment is a treasure chest that never runs out.”[/i]