Trouble with new format

I’m finding the new format difficult to use.

It’s hard to find the topics I’m following and I can’t reply to topics when using the site on my phone

The the reply button (to the topic, not to users) seems to disappear with the narrower screen


Same… I don’t like to complain but… it’s bad


Yup, feels like I’m on drugs and things I normally do have suddenly become really hard, the latest change (in the last few hours) is doing all sorts of weird things!

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Yeah, I don’t want endless undated huge picture articles. Like the bastard child of buzzfeed and facebook.


I was hoping I’d wake up and the trip would be over, but this is like the time I ate all the mushrooms because the first load “didn’t do anything”.


Sincere request: is there a way to make it so my “before” fat picture is not the cover page of my log? Maybe that’s something I could edit myself? Because… yikes


Haha, it’s definitely like it’s pulled everyone’s worst photo for the their cover, I keep getting surprised by your hair chest every time I open the logs, definitely wouldn’t say that was a fat before photo thought!

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Also just to continue moaning about this, the date stamp on posts has disappeared, this is particularly annoying because of it being there I’ve never bothered putting the date on my log, now I have no idea how long it’s been between sessions and slack I’ve been!


I can’t seem to filter by topic anymore

I can’t even find my log or anybody else’s. This is so messed up.

Please go back to the old format!!! This has gone from one of the best forums to pretty much the worst as far as usability.
0 need to see blurbs of the latest post. Have no idea where i left off from last visit.


I just found that using the category list is similar to the old format. Still really hard to use but at least I can find recent topics

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Still cumbersome and unusable on a phone.


absolutely. I gave up with it on my phone


yes this is awkward and weird looking, it’s all narrow, hard to navigate, put it back people!

You are far, far too kind

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Please bring back the old forum. This is not as good by a long shot.

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Between the new format and the old articles being dumped into forum topics and clogging things up, I’m pretty much done with the forums.

It feels like they sold the site.


I haven’t found the team here very receptive to user feedback unfortunately

I would expect them to say everyone should “give themselves time to adjust” and that “eventually you’ll all see how great it is”

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