New Format

Ok, I’m not liking the new format. I miss the one prior to the “complete overhaul”.

You’re on your own on this one.

I’m loving this new layout.

Cant say I like it, at all.

But, to each his own.

Straight to the point, theres too much damn useless stuff there :slight_smile:
I dont NEED videos, i dont NEED to see whos new etc etc etc
Are you putting in the option so we can get rid of most of that stuff ???
Seriously my eyes bleed just trying to find where the hell to go to find the forums ^^
All i need is the new articles and the forums THATS IT!
Yes we like change and adaptations to our NUTRTITION and TRAINING but the amount of useless stuff added is quite ANNOYING for a place we come to learn !

Is this payback for the T-Cell ^^

It’s different. Not sure if it is better, but it draws attention to new content and new members.

Where is the Physique Clinic?

The Gods change shit up on the site about once a year or so. Every time there is a change, there is a thread like this.

Give it 3 months, and you will think it’s normal. Then in another few months, they will change it up, and we’ll have another thread like this.

Not bitching at anyone - I just think it’s funny.

The newest pics section made me think I was on

Seriously, RMP on the opening page?

[quote]jdrannin1 wrote:
Ok, I’m not liking the new format. I miss the one prior to the “complete overhaul”.[/quote]

I do miss the old layout a bit too, but there is a little more on T-Nation now which called for an upgrade.(And it was kind of plain jane looking)

I don’t hate the new layout. Still a lot of clutter. And I really don’t need to see who’s uploaded there newest myspace pic. Gheymo.

[quote]Tex Ag wrote:
The newest pics section made me think I was on

Seriously, RMP on the opening page?[/quote]

What i thought too, its getting a little to “PC” at this stage, all they are missing is flashing neon lights and “reps” and T-Nation will have arrived at doors.


Every time we change the format, we get (much as Rainjack suggested), lots of negative posts.

We ask that you give it time.

Ultimately we think you’ll find it much more user friendly, with much less scrolling.

And if it doesn’t work, I think we’ve proven that we’re more than receptive to making adjustments.


[quote]Corkonian wrote:
Straight to the point, theres too much damn useless stuff there :slight_smile:
I dont NEED videos, i dont NEED to see whos new etc etc etc
Are you putting in the option so we can get rid of most of that stuff ???
Seriously my eyes bleed just trying to find where the hell to go to find the forums ^^
All i need is the new articles and the forums THATS IT!
Yes we like change and adaptations to our NUTRTITION and TRAINING but the amount of useless stuff added is quite ANNOYING for a place we come to learn !

Is this payback for the T-Cell ^[1]

Yes, “I don’t NEED . . .” however, there are about two-million other readers who just might want some other things.

  1. /quote ↩︎

[quote]OctoberGirl wrote:

Where is the Physique Clinic?[/quote]

The “first season” of the Physique Clinic has ended.

We’re going to base the next season on things we’ve learned and it will be RADICALLY different.

It’s going to be very, very cool for a few lucky individuals.


If I may, can I suggest getting rid of the pop-up window for the search function?

I was kind of worried by starting this thread it would come off as bitchy and whiny because that wasnt my intent. Especially since TC mentioned that they are being receptive to our concerns.

I guess I just miss the old format. I am not very receptive to change.

It’s like Office 2007. At first, I hated it, because I’ve been using Office since the mid 90s. But then I got used to it, and I now realize how much better the new one is :slight_smile:

[quote]TC wrote:
OctoberGirl wrote:

Where is the Physique Clinic?

The “first season” of the Physique Clinic has ended.

We’re going to base the next season on things we’ve learned and it will be RADICALLY different.

It’s going to be very, very cool for a few lucky individuals.



I call shotgun. :wink:

I am fine with the change. Want I am less excited about is the “latest whatever” section. Why? Same reason there is now a T-Cell. When there are (for lack of a better term) myspace pics on it, it begets more myspace pics. I guess I would rather be greeted by the dangerously hardcore rather than the dangerously malnourished, underdeveloped, underage and/or narcissistic. That’s all.

I like it. It is a lot less cluttered.

[quote]Tim Patterson wrote:
Corkonian wrote:
Straight to the point, theres too much damn useless stuff there :slight_smile:
I dont NEED videos, i dont NEED to see whos new etc etc etc
Are you putting in the option so we can get rid of most of that stuff ???
Seriously my eyes bleed just trying to find where the hell to go to find the forums ^^
All i need is the new articles and the forums THATS IT!
Yes we like change and adaptations to our NUTRTITION and TRAINING but the amount of useless stuff added is quite ANNOYING for a place we come to learn !

Is this payback for the T-Cell ^^

Yes, “I don’t NEED . . .” however, there are about two-million other readers who just might want some other things.[/quote]

I’ll take it all back if you tell us when Surge Workout Fuel is coming out :slight_smile:

I like the side pictures ^^
I retract my previous statement those sides make up for it!
Old school sh*t ^^