Trouble with Chin-ups

I am currently doing Starting Strength with the chins, dips, abs and arms added. The problem is I can’t get 8 deadhang chins. The most I can do is 5 from a deadhang…I can do around 20 if I kip (I was doing crossfit).

My question is should I do 3 sets of 5 using a strict dead hang, do 3 sets of max kipping pullups, or should I use the gravitron machine for assistance to get 3 sets of 8?

Thanks for any advice,

Keep working at them till you can get 10. Then switch to pullups and when you can get 10 of those, start doing weighted. Thats what im doing.

Yeah do 3 sets of 5 from deadhang for Rippetoes, and push the last set for as many reps as you can untill you get 5,5,8 then start adding a rep to the second so it is 5,6,8 etc untill you get 8,8,8

also it may help at the end of your session to add in some sets of lat pull down, i know it seems like a big no no on this forum to use the lat pull down machine but it does help me with my chins i believe

grab a strength band and do band assisted chins.
Don’t touch machines if you intend to improve.

Other methods you can use is isometric holds for 10 seconds and slow eccentrics for 5 seconds for 3 reps then 3 reps normal.

grab a strength band and do band assisted chins.
Don’t touch machines if you intend to improve.

Other methods you can use is isometric holds for 10 seconds and slow eccentrics for 5 seconds for 3 reps then 3 reps normal.

Yeah the machines are gash because they have no camber (i think thats what its called: roound thing which adjusts the resistance through the machine) so it doesn’t match your levels of force output at each part of the movement, if that makes sense? Basically it gives you too much help at the start and not enough at the end!

Machines doesn’t help you with stabilizing compared to a strength band - SB taper off towards the end of the chin up so you’re pulling the full body weight where it matters.

the way I did them to improve my rep max was either pavel’s ladders (his version of I go, you go)…

where you perform one, partner gets one, then you do two, partners gets two etc… as soon as the first one fails, you get back to one-one, two-two etc.

I did this and it helped a lot…

also I always did chins for total number of reps, like lets say, 100 reps every day this week, so for number of sets/reps wasn’t as important…

next week I either shoot for 105 every day, or sometimes I get crazy and shoot for like 200… since you can do 5 only, shoot for 50 reps at first and then increase it every time… you will see improvement will come very fast with that… at least from my experience… especially for people that cant do a lot of chins, so they have a large margin to progress…

that was before, when I was chasing the rep max, now I can do 40 strict chins almost every day, I dont do them as intesivelly anymore, I do either few sets as a warmup for my workout every day, or I strap a dumbell and go for weighted chin workout…
