I’m having trouble getting a good !mind-muscle connection with this machine. I’ve been using it as the last exercise on back day as a finisher. I can feel my lats working slightly, but I feel my upper abs doing alot of work, they are scorched right now… Maybe I’m executing the movement wrong? Any ideas?
Most likely you are going too heavy and/or not stabilizing your trunk enough (going too heavy could cause you that). Make sure you are not turning the movement into some sort of half crunch.
These machines are old but when used correctly are magic for isolating the lats. Some machines like this one just has that right “groove” to them.
Thanks man, I’ll definitely keep that in mind next time around.
The only thing that should be moving is your arms, and all the force should be generated by your elbows. If your hands are grabbing the bar that connects the elbow pads, try opening up your hands throughout the entire range of motion, and giving yourself a good 3-4 second eccentric, never losing contraction in the lats. The pullover machine is underutilized given it’s one of the only true isolation lat exercises.
This is imo one of the best machines ever created. When I found they had one at the gym I was using this past summer I immediately had to text a few of my real meathead buddies -lol.
Amazingly it was always unoccupied because most people don’t truly get it’s value.
They used to have one at the the first gym I ever trained at. A classic old school nautilus.
I can still remember the back and abs doms. That thing was like a medieval torture rack. Good times
I want one.
What @Myosin said, also, make sure the seat-height is correct.
Like any back movement, Initiate from the scapulas.
You need to do the right facial expression and fish face exhaling while saying “hoooooph” for this machine to work. See Dorian Yates youtubes for examples
This is exactly what my ballet teacher was saying last Thursday. Engage the scap and use it to start the extension.