Due to some strange issue with my back, my left trap is in an almost constant state of tension, and happens to be much more developed than my right trap. I have some slight back pain (upper back) but other than that nothing really problematic, the tension can be relieved with massage and ultimately back pain goes away.
I am wondering if anyone thinks developing my right trap more than my left will solve the problem (or if that’s a logical assumption) what excercises would help develop it more? Oh and this isn’t a recent problem either it’s been one for at least 5 years+ and my chiropractor was able to lessen the problem. I don’t see any reason preventing me from exercising that area of my body. Any insight from you guys would be great thanks.
Try working your left lat. Your left shoulder is out of wack right now and strengthening your left lat should help bring it back down to where it’s supposed to be.
I’d take a break from heavy lifting if the imbalance is large enough that you consider it substantial. Instead do unilateral upper and lower back and rear shoulder work with lighter weights and extra focus on form, more on the weak side, and skimp on chest work. Also I would do a lot of back, shoulder and chest stretches, especially bridges with straight legs that push the shoulders over the hands.
Most the time the muscle has already adapted to whatever you’re doing to cause the imbalance and just giving it extra focus or extra isolation moves while repeating your routine as normal doesn’t help it. My specialty is crappy analogies, heres one for you, your trap stopped to tie its shoe, the rest of your body needs to stop so it doesn’t have to run to catch up.
[quote]Doug@alphadog wrote:
Try working your left lat. Your left shoulder is out of wack right now and strengthening your left lat should help bring it back down to where it’s supposed to be.[/quote]
This might help…but it also might do more damage.
Yes, it might even out his shoulders, but it might cause another imbalance. I would find out of both lats are of equal strength, and if they are, then leave them. At that point, see what the problem is with his traps and get to the bottom of the problem.