Alright, so I’m not going to be competing anytime soon or anything like that, but the difference between my left and right trap in terms of size is fairly noticable. I’m not being picky, but it actually makes my shirts fit differently. Short on the left side, too long on the right, which looks a bit goofy. If you didn’t pick that up, that means my left trap is a good bit bigger than my right.
Anyway, I’ve been trying to come up with ways to equal out their sizes when I begin my bulk. I’m thinking of going back to a mixed deadlifting grip primarily, using a pronated grip with my right hand and a supinated on my left. I would utilize this especially on heavier sets, so I can get a bit more activation with my trap if all goes well.
If anyone has any sort of feedback, suggestions, or any sort of recommendations on how to help out my predicament, I would greatly appreciate hearing them. On a side note, the less shoulder work this involves, the better. I’m currently trying to rehab my rotator cuff.
I don’t know how to fix it, but if it means anything mine are slightly off too…not noticeable until I point it out. Since I started deadlifting and growing several years ago it has gotten less and less noticeable.
I wore a messenger bag slung over my left trap for a good 10 years. If you really look, it’s noticable. Still,… of all the stuff do could be focusing on in the gym, do you really need to try to bring up one side of your traps? UNless it’s insanely deformed (sticking out through your shirt), I’d move beyond it (I’ve tried to -lol)
[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
I wore a messenger bag slung over my left trap for a good 10 years. If you really look, it’s noticable. Still,… of all the stuff do could be focusing on in the gym, do you really need to try to bring up one side of your traps? UNless it’s insanely deformed (sticking out through your shirt), I’d move beyond it (I’ve tried to -lol)
This is true, however the OP said it affects the way his shirt sits, and if one were ever to compete, it would probably be a good idea to get rid of imbalances that are really obvious early on.
you are overlooking the main issue. is it your trap or related to tightness in your AC area, Sternocleido area etc. tacklke that first to get a better balance and stop sleeping your on the tight side.
I Have the same thing, but its because the right shoulder itself is hanging lower. Mine seems to be getting better over time from lifting. I think it was more noticable 3 years ago when I first started.
Unless its really bad, i think you are the only one that will notice. Like you said, you don’t plan on competing.
Thanks for the advice, but it’s actually caused by playing the sousaphone for three years. (Yeah, a band nerd.) The heaviest part of the instrument sat on my left trap, so I had to build extra padding to support it, while my right side had nothing on it.
I’ll try the one-sided shrugs, but I didn’t want to mess up any alignment in my body or anything like that.
My left trap is smaller in appearance…but its due to alignment issues from breaking my left collar bone and now my left shoulder is pulled in a bit tighter on the front due to the shortened length of my collar bone. Guess I’m kinda fucked…lol