I recently broke my left hand and I was seeking suggestions as to if I should lift with the right side of my body, which is already dominant, or just work legs and do cardio only? I’m going to be out for three and half more weeks.
Screw it, just lift with the broken hand. lol jk
If it hurts don’t do it. other than that go for it.
Don’t train just one side of your body imo.
last time I went in I tried wrapping an ankle cuff around the cast and doing cable stuff but it didn’t work too well so upper body is out unless it is right only.
Whenever I’ve gotten injured I’ve waited until I was fully healed before lifting again. My rationale was that I didn’t want to hurt one of my body parts by overcompensating for the injured part.
I would be blasting my lower body for 3 weeks… imagibne it, 3 weeks devoted entirely to squats, hacks, presses, lunges, etc…
You’ll be glad you did.
I can’t WAIT to break my hand…
[quote]Joe Joseph wrote:
I would be blasting my lower body for 3 weeks… imagibne it, 3 weeks devoted entirely to squats, hacks, presses, lunges, etc…
You’ll be glad you did.
I can’t WAIT to break my hand…[/quote]
lol this is true. I like the optimism JOE! lol
I strained my left rotator cuff a week before this past Christmas. Proceeded to do low intensity cardio (couldn’t run because that involves shoulder movement) and then torched my legs with the weights, being leg presses, single leg squats, DB romanian deadlift, etc. I’m glad I did - I only gained a pound in the two months afterwards, but I think I lost only a bit of muscle (probably in the upper body).
Do you have bands? You might be able to replicate some of the movements by hooking the band around a stationary object and your arm–far enough away from your hand that you do not feel pain. It may not be much, but it will be something.
yeah, and torch legs
Joe you just made me feel like a sissy and I love it. I’m going to go kill the legs tonight.