I broke my hand last night and will not be able to use it for 6-8 weeks. What would you guys recommend I do for training? Legs a couple times a week and some cardio? I broke my dominant hand, so would this be an oppurtunity to bring up my weaker side? I’m pretty depressed about the whole situation…I mean the two months off of work would be great if I could actually train.
train legs hard, train the uninjured side of your body w/ dbs and machine work.
also, there was an article somewhat recently by Nick T where he demonstrates how you can use those “Ab Wings” straps and hook them up to a cable tower and around your arm to still get some torso work with a broken hand… try using the search function to find it.
[quote]challer1 wrote:
train legs hard, train the uninjured side of your body w/ dbs and machine work.
also, there was an article somewhat recently by Nick T where he demonstrates how you can use those “Ab Wings” straps and hook them up to a cable tower and around your arm to still get some torso work with a broken hand… try using the search function to find it.[/quote]
This is great advice.
If you have yet to recover, you can try keep the right delt stimulated with Lateral raises with manual resistance. Ask a friend or trainer to put consistent downward pressure on your right arm and perform lateral raises as you would with conventional variations. I found that communication with spotter was key to ensure this worked well, but it’s working nicely for me (recovering from a metacarpal injury atm).
good luck
Ok here is an update…I broke my hand was pretty much stagnant for the following 6 weeks. I went through an unbelievable bout of depression and was unmotivated to anything, included eating. Sure I kept it clean and did some cardio/leg work, but I was for from enthusiastic or consistent. During this time period my due to my fast metabolism and lack of a body building type of diet my weight dropped from 192 to 170. When my hand was healed I came to a realization that training was a privilege and I was lucky to be healthy enough to do it.
I know take my training/nutrition more seriously than ever. I have not had a cheat meal or alcohol/skipped a workout in 29 days and the results have been awesome. Quitting drinking has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have seen a huge improvement in the quality of both my training and my sleeping habits. Even my bank account is improving. Anyways I am really proud/amazed by the progress I have seen since treating my training/nutrtion as a job. In the past month I have gained 11 pounds and maintained a 30 inch waist. I am fart from complete, but I finally had that “ah ha” moment where I just seem to know how to train/eat for my personal needs.
That was me at 170… this is me today
another front shot
another shot
here are the wheels…they have always been a disappointment
well, I wanted to put up pics of my legs/back, but I cant for some reason…they will be in my hub.
[quote]DickBag wrote:
Nice Physqique brian. Im happy for youur recovery, and hope training goes excellant for the rest of your life injury free[/quote]
Thanks much appreciated. I will now always check to see if the wall I am about to punch is just plaster or plaster over concrete.