For almost a year i’ve done a PPL split with massive volume. Sometimes 9days in a row 2 hours lifting. I now realise that the reason im not gaining any muscle but just fat, is because of my lack of rest day etc.
Could some1 please help me with a mass gaining program with the highest frequency and time spend, as I have a lot of freetime the next few months.
Links don’t work unfortunately, but that program you posted is missing all of the conditioning work, which is crucial to the success of the program. You do that on Tues, Thurs and Sat. Also, what you listed is only 1 week of lifting.
[quote=“zarioh, post:1, topic:232922”]
I now realise that the reason im not gaining any muscle but just fat, is because of my lack of rest day etc.[/quote]
If this is the lesson you have learnt from your experience, then this:
Could some1 please help me with a mass gaining program with the highest frequency and time spend,
Is a puzzling request
as I have a lot of freetime the next few months.
That’s excellent. You’ll get fewer of those opportunities as you get older. You should use the time to read or gain a new skill.
2 hours of training 6-7 days a week is a bit much, but I find most people consider 2 hours existing in the gym to be 2 hours of training. In reality, in those 2 hours, they maybe train for a total of 15 minutes.
When I was running BTM, training typically lasted around an hour, if not less. I actually took video of the first 3 training days to document it
I ran 531 for hardgainers last year which I believe is quite similar to btm? Got some nice gains from that, especially in the traps. I’m convinced it was the band pull aparts.
Disagreed. In the last 8 months, you’ve had 10 different threads asking how to use steroids and one thread asking how to eat. The reason you’ve gained a bunch of fat and no muscle is because you have no idea what you’re doing.
If you have legit low T as diagnosed by a doctor, address it. Otherwise knock any thoughts of steroids out of your head. Fix your diet and follow any well-designed program. A crap diet with a good training plan won’t produce results. A good diet with a crap training plan will produce some decent results. Right now, you have a crap diet with a crap training plan and you see what that’s produced.
Any of the training mentioned above or in this thread.
For nutrition, I’d go with the Miyaki’s paleo-hybrid approach, the Quality Mass diet, or the Simple Diet (eating enough calories for consistent weight gain, not fat loss).
What’s your current height, weight, and general fat level (I don’t care about a percentage. Just “very fat”, “kinda lean”, “ripped”, etc.)?