Just wanted to know if other guys (or girls) have this problem. Basically, I have been working out for a couple years, and while Im not perfect, Im pretty steady and consistent with my nutrition…even when I go out. I rarely drink, or anything like that. At any rate, this has become a “issue” in my relationship. My girlfriend (who is blessed with great genetics) says i “care too much about calories instead of just having fun” and that other people may percieve me as uptight and not be comfortable to eat what they want around me during get togethers. I just dont get it. I never say anything around others about bad eating habits. If anything, people say stuff to me. We go out somewhere, and everyone will order the “super fried blank” or burgers and fries, and fatty foods, and I order grilled chicken dinner with veggies and brown rice or something healthy. This leads to comments like, “damn man, let loose…youre out” blah blah blah. Im fuckin tired of it. Why dont people understand? Its hard to even go out and have a good time, not because I dont drink myself stupid, but because of all the comments from the girlfriend. I mean EVERYTHING else with us is perfect but lately, she has even accused me of having an “image disorder” or an “unhealthy obssession with watching what I eat.”
She brings it up in such a way that i have been thinking, “maybe i do have a problem…” but do I really? As stupid a question as this may be, how do some of you guys just “live your life” without sacrificing too much on nutrition or gym time? Im 24 and I know Im only 24 once so I should enjoy life, etc etc…but on the same note, Im only 24 and my metabolism is fast right now and my body will burn fat and build muscle a little easier than it would at 44. I figure, work hard now, play hard later.
How do some of you deal with your partners families horrible eating habits? For example, you go to a family party/event/dinner/etc and all you find is macaroni salad, ribs, burgers, potato salad, chips, baked beans, etc.
I know this post is really loaded, but its kind of a “loaded” problem. Im sure some of you must deal with these types of problems. Any and all advice/input is greatly appreciated.