I try to ignore the idiots in this world, but after awhile, it’s hard to take. Even from friends.
First example is at work, I bring my meals in everyday. I’m pretty strict with my diet, I don’t eat out alot. Usually chicken, beef, brown rice, oatmeal, broccoli, etc. All the people in the office are always making comments and laughing about what I eat while they’re eating hamburgers, french fries, enchaladas, etc. It just gets so fucking annoying! They are all fat and out of shape and have absolutely no concept of what it means to want to improve your body and take care of yourself. It’s always, “hey man, you want to go with us to Jimboys, oh wait he doesn’t eat that stuff, come on splurge just this once, be wild and crazy for a change man!!!”. This coming from a 30 year old fat guy with the cholesterol of a 50 year old. Jesus Christ people, don’t you get it? I look this way because I am dedicated, I don’t want to look like you!! Fuck off!
Another example, anytime my name comes up in a conversation, all the guys start doing their impersonation of me by talking in an Arnold Schwarzenneger voice because I weight train. Maybe I just work with a bunch of very stupid people. I always say, you know guys, there are other people in the world that weight train and eat healthy. I know its all in good fun but damn, every fucking day? I wish I could find friends that have the same interests and dedication as me, it would be great. All my work friends are smokers and get drunk every weekend, and they are in their 30’s. I’m 27 and have never been into drugs, smoking, etc. I’ve been training and eating like this since I was 17.
I get phrases like, “you’re anti-social, you’re too serious, you’re angry”. These phrases get thrown at me all the time because I don’t go out with friends from work. It’s not that I don’t want to hang out. It’s that I don’t want to hang out and drink, eat fast food, and be fucking stupid. Not only that but it interferes with MY LIFESTYLE.
If I pull out some protein powder, all the guys go “oh time for some steroids!”, and then everyone starts lauging. I just think to myself, you people are just lost, truly lost. If I mention anything about my wife, they’ll paint this picture of me being an overbarring, controlling maniac who doesn’t let his wife eat unhealthy foods. All this because I WEIGHT TRAIN??? UN-FUCKING BELIEVABLE. Weight training turns you into a brainless, abusive, psychopath according to them.
I guess this is the only place that I can come to and read, where people actually understand what it means to be dedicated to your health and training.
I do realize that most of this bizarre behavior stems from them feeling inferior as men because they are lazy pathetic skinny or fat guys, but I don’t go out of my way to tell them that they fucking suck. Yet they feel the need to go out of there way to tell me how I’m weird because of what I do. It’s almost to the point where it’s a reverse discrimination type thing.