Training Log (3rd Week Results in!)

I’m 27.I work on ships and get about 1 month every 6 to 10 to train. I have 3 months starting next week (got to do exams for more certification). I’ve put together a program for myself. Would like some feedback and/or suggestions/corrections.

-lose fat
-Increase strength and power

Workout design concepts:
-Heavy and low rep work for strength
-Heavy and low rep OL-style compound lifts for power
-Moderate weight OL-style compound repetition lifts for endurance/cardio
-Main powerlift: Deadlift (first love)
-Main OL-lift: Clean and variations to address any issues, snatch to learn the technique
-Suplementary exercises: minimal and specific

Known issues:
-nutrition. I suck at eating clean.
-supplementation: minimal, I’m on a student budget. Multi-vit/mineral, cod liver oil. Glucosamine to save the joints.
-no training partner. My best progress has always been with a partner/rival.

-first time using a WSB complex. No experience with this.
-am I getting sufficient nutrition.

-wave periodization: 75%-80%-85%-80%-85%-90%-Reset
Monday: Deadlift Max Effort 3x3
Box Squat 2x5 //to train legs;I find I lift wth my back.
Good Mornings 2x5

Tuesday:Upper body Max Effort 3x3 //will be a choice of Bench Press, Incline Bench Press or Military Press. Haven’t decided.

W’day: Active recovery

Th’day: Power Clean 5-8x2
Box Squat 5x5 Dynamic Effort
Barbell Rows 3x8 //as assistance

Friday: Clean & Jerk or Push Press 5-8x3 //choice depends on how my low back feels
Dips 2x8 //will try to get a dip belt
Ab work: 2x5 heavy //2 exercises, 1 linear, 1 rotational

Saturday: Active recovery

Sunday: Rest

Doesnt look bad and you answer your own big question diet sucks Fix it. usually dont train well with out a partner Find one or learn top bring the house alone. etc.

I am not a HUGE fan of your progression but its not horrid at leas you do back down a few times and I would suggest why niot if you are aiming for strength after the 90% do a delaod 65-70% week then 100% hit a max and use it for the next cycle.

Fix those thing you have spotted make them strong points work hard and youll do great


Oh you might consider swapping week by week what is first the DL or sqaut if you MUST do them both the same day Id rather do them seperate days and hell even one each week in rotation. But this may work for you.


-Deadlift is the main one because I like/enjoy it the most. Squatting will be supplementing deads.
-After hitting 90% for reps I will take a week off to only do moderate assistance exercises e.g Good mornings. None of the big lifts.
-Progression and absolute no. of sets is dependant on how I feel. Reps are absolute.

[quote]Reuben wrote:
-Deadlift is the main one because I like/enjoy it the most. Squatting will be supplementing deads.
stepping out of what we enjoy what we are good at will usually give us the biggest return like putting the sqaut first and will likely make that DL go up as well.

-After hitting 90% for reps I will take a week off to only do moderate assistance exercises e.g Good mornings. None of the big lifts.
-Progression and absolute no. of sets is dependant on how I feel. Reps are absolute.[/quote]

Go for it bring the intensity and passion to each aspect training diet rest recovery and kick ass


The numbers:
Lifts 1RM used to calculate:
-Deadlift 155kgs
-Bench Press 90kgs
-Clean and Jerk 70kgs
-Overhead Press 60kgs

Will work out the box squat & good morning numbers in the first workout.

My stats:
Height 178cms
Weight 92.5kgs
BF% 23
Lean Weight 71.2kgs
Water 51.7%
Waist 37"
Pulse 68bpm 2hours after OL workout

I will post my progress here every week. Should I post training logs as well?

KB Press 1x5/5
KB swings 60
Green tea
Various stretches
Small bowl meusli
1 Multi-vit/min
1 Cod liver oil

Box Squat: 2x3x80kg
Good Morning: 3x3x60kg
R.DL 3x8x60kg
OH Squat 2x8x30kg
Leg Press 1x4x150kg
BB Rows 2x3x60kgs

Bench Press 1x8x60kgs
OH Press 3x1x50kgs finding the correct grip
Incl DB Press 3x5x22kgs

Looks like a lot, but I was pretty fresh after both workouts.
Diet wasn’t too bad. I had serious cravings in the evening so went to the gym.

Elbow hurting again (old injury)

All in kgs

Bench Press 1x5x70
close grip 2x3x65

Push Press 3x8x50

Hang Clean 3x8x50

Wednesday 31st Jan '07

Woke up: 10/10 KB Snatches
Lunch break: 4x10/10kb snatches

Active recovery day
Lots of overhead squats (full range) with an empty OL bar

Front squats, snatches, cleans, push presses, jerks, split squats with 40 kgs

Feeling nice n relaxed

Lower body speed day tomorrow.

Diet: about 1900 cal…not too bad for me

Fun stuff so far:

Nobody in the gym knew what a good morning was! One guy went and go the trainer to tell me to SQUAT properly. Apparently he thought I was doing the worst squats ever. Sadly, triner didn’t have a clue either.

Guy comes in where I was doing overhead squats and does 20 minutes(!) of continous swapping between cable curls and cable pushdowns. Size of arms? About 11"

Apparently nobody has ever seen a split sqaut snatch either…

still, they leave me alone and nobody curls in the squat rack. Things to be grateful for…

On that note, they have either the smartest gym designer or a really lucky one. Theres a dumbell rack on the 1st floor where all the curlers stand near all the women doing cardio. Rest of the free weights are on the ground floor.

Lower Body speed day:
Squats 3x5x60kg done fast and deep with a pause

Lots of sets of 3x40kgs snatches, clean n jerks, cleans. Focused on developing the thrust.

Deadlift 2x140kgs just for kicks

Clean and jerk 5x2x40kg+band

Upper body speed day

Lots of sets of Snatches 3x40kgs (~10)
then 2x40kgs

Concentrated on explosive movement

Box jumps ~30" lots of singles

Speed Bench Press 2x8x60kgs

D/bell snatches and jerks

Side Press singles with 30 &35 kgs

Snatch PR!!
Looks like the OH Squats and specific work on speed days really paid off. I had no trouble catching the weight - which was what always gave me a hassle earlier.

Power Snatch 2x2x45kgs

Power C&J 2x3x50kg

Complex 1x3x40kgs
(SN+SQ+P/P+FSQ+P/P+C&J) 3x5x20kgs (~30secs rest between sets)

1st set was BSQ,all rest were OH SQ

Tomorrow off.

Good idea starting a log here to keep you honest. Might also start a nutrition log or enter your daily stuff here too, since that’s a known issue for you. Bring the intensity. Not a bad progression set-up. If it works for you keep it up.

Oh, and I like the way you categorize things in your first post when planning. A lot of newbies here could learn from this way of thinking.

How long have you been training? Also, what do you do on the ship?

I am maintaining a basic nutrition log. Expecting the protein I ordered online soon and will enter it then. Right now concentrating on lowering intake calories and basically increasing nutritional density so I don’t become deficient in anything.

Will most probably go on a modified V-diet. I did the warrior diet earlier on the ship once and basically kept it for about 5 months. If you want to know the diet plan, i’ll post it. Discussing it would be good for me.

I’ve been training since I was 24. Basically I hit 220lbs and got disgusted with myself. Went on a fruit & meat diet while I read up. Tried lots of stuff. Found that powerlifting and strongman type protocols work best. Most importantly, thats what I enjoy. In actual gym time, I haven’t lifted for more than 12 months total.

I went down to just over 160 lbs and have been building up since then. My work basically involves standing in place for 8 hours a day. Last year was extremely hectic and exercise really suffered.

I’m primarily a navigator. I work on cargo ships so am also involved in cargo operations.

In my holidays I do anything I can get - MMA, weightlifting etc. Lack of exercise equipment and space on most cargo ships means I usually use whatever is at hand e.g. cement bags,chains, furniture, crates, pipes, valves…basically if I can get a hand on it, I’ll play with it.

Starting the 2nd week…
tweaking ideas…would really like feedback.

Concepts used - I’ve been reading up on this site and fine-tuning th reasoning behind my plan. In other words reading the articles and seeing what does and what may apply to me. Given my current situation, I’m looking at Waterbury’s Flip diet or the V-diet. Or my adaptation therefof.

  1. Workouts - since strength isn’t the main priority, thinking of dropping to 1 Full body max effort day - Lower body morning and upper body evening on Monday. That gives me Tuesday for more OL work and the complexes, which i plan to use for cardio and strength-endurance work. I’ve done twice-a-day workouts before so thats not an issue. Shoulder rest will become n issue if I don’t give them Wednesday off so I’m adding intervals on a bike. Will slowly try to ramp up the overall volume.

2.Nutrition - my adaptation of the two diets I mentioned isn’t because I have a better idea, but applies the concepts to my current situation. So far plan looks like this:
Monday: Low carb /liquid
W’day: High Carb I’ll just make that healthy whole food day.
T’day: Low carb/liquid
Fri: Same
Sat: Same
Sun: Same as wednesday.
Hopefully this should offset the supplements I can’t get right now. I know I’m giving up the appetite reprogramming for now but I have a really good idea for that.

Box Squat 2x5x60
Good Morning 2x5x40
Bench Press 1x5x60

Ate clean today.

Yesterdays workout fatigued me. While I felt great until the gym, it interfered. I ended up feeling sluggish.
Take home lesson: 3 max effort powerlifts are not okay on my current schedule, however may be a great idea for when I have to train infrequently.

Snatch 3x4x40
Hang C&J 2x5x50
Finished off with a complex set.
Ate clean.

Busy with studies last few days.

Still keeping a training log but haven’t had the time to post. I’ve added in supersets from the Meltdown 2 routine.

Workouts have been mostly Olympic movements for these few days. I find it takes me 5x5 to break a sweat while clean n push-pressing above 80% 1RM. Is this good or bad and how should I adjust?

I think I need to raise the calories as I was feeling drained. Adjusting accordingly.

Any thoughts on cous-cous as a carb source as opposed to rice and wholemeal bread? I’m using it on the whole meal day.

This is me having bent pressed a jury-rigged 40kg 2 KB combo. Very unstable but great fun.