Hi everyone. I’ve been lurking long enough and decided to finally register and participate. I decided to start a training log to track my progress, provide motivation to myself and others, and get some critiquing.
A little about myself - 22, Male, Miami, been lifting about 6 months, 175lbs ~15% bf.
Goals: 1)Be more athletic - non sport specific, improve speed, strength, coordination. Maybe compete in something one day, don’t know yet.
2)Improve health.
3)Look better.
4)200lbs, >10% bf for now. Once reached I will reevaluate. Let’s say by 01JUN07.
Things I think I need to improve:
I eat poorly and not enough.
More variety of lifts.
Miss fewer workouts while not over training.
Best Lifts as of 06DEC06
Bench 220
ATF Squat 275
Deadlift 295
Military 145
Bent Row 150
Flat Barbell Bench Press
220x1x1 - New PR
Total Volume:6770
Barbell Bent-Over Rows
Total Volume:5835
I felt pretty bad during today’s training session. Struggled on almost every rep. Oh well, I think I’ll take tomorrow off.
280x1x1 New PR but it took everything I had so I’ll try it again next workout.
135x5x2 3 second pauses
Total volume: 8390
Yeah, I like to usually do two compounds followed by an isolation or two but have been feeling tired lately after I get done with the first exercise. Still working out the kinks in my routine. My rows are lagging I know and am trying to get them caught up.
Bleh, I’ve been feeling like shit the past few days. I’ll get to the gym and barely make it through half my workout. I’m going to take a week off from weights and focus on stretching and do some sprints and cardio. I’m also thinking of going back on full body 5x5s when I get back.
I’d reccomend switching the bent row for inverted rows. Also, I know your a beginner but look into westside for skinny bastards by defranco. But with this modification. When it says work up to a 3 or 5 rm, do that, but over the next few weeks try to increase the sets you do at that one rm you got the first time. Example. First exercise on me upper.
Bench press, work up to a 5 rm max, let’s say this is 225 for you.
Next week, do 2 sets of 5 at 225
next week, 3 sets and so on
Do that until you can get 5 sets at that weight and then try for a new 5rm. If you have questions pm me.