Training Injuries - Humor

If you have been lifting for a while, you are bound to have experienced some sort of training injury. While looking back at mine, I can say a few of them could have been prevented and were due to sheer stupidity. Feel free to also post observing someone else’s stupidity. So lets swallow our pride and share some laughs. I will start…

I broke three toes on my right foot last year while doing bench presses of all things, lmao. I took a 45 off but forgot there was also a 25 on there. It dropped and landed straight on my foot. Dahum, that sh*t still hurts when I think about it. Lesson learnd: pay attention while taking the pies off.

Two years ago I was doing leg presses in boots and had forgotten to bring my socks so I said f*ck it and went bare foot. After pushing 1200+, my nail on the big toe actually pierced into the front of the boot and I could not take it off without tearing most of it off. I actually had to cut the boot open a bit, haha. Funny but painful as hell. Lesson learned: Always wear socks and cut your nails before a heavy leg press day.


This has happened to me twice.

Sometimes I find myself completely zoned out, even in between sets changing weight.

There have been two instances when benching I have had 4-45’s on one side and 2-45’s on the other (I generally bench in a power rack when I don’t have a training partner and this was the case both times). Needless to say, upon lift off the bar immediately flipped to a 45 degree angle and the ridiculous thing where weight slides off one side, then the other, etc. happened.

There is no one way to walk away from that one and not look like an idiot

Hurt my chest and shoulder, was doing benchpress(no spotter) and my right arm gave out half way up, I had 365lbs no retainers. anyway the plates fell off the right and the weight tranfering to the left ripped it out of my right hand and the bar and remaining weight went to my left with a lot of force. hurt like a bitch but was laughing right after. no real injuries just felt really stupid, and sore as hell for a week.

I have never had any significant gym injuries. But I have had some very comical and rather debilitating injuries in my other life as a martial artist and instructor.

I was holding a board for a skinny as a rail 12 year old kid, for him to front kick it and break it. He missed, and broke…my finger. This was the day before a tournament in NYC 5 hours away. Needless to say I fought in the tournament with a broken right ring finger.

Also martial arts I was training, more showing off, and I was showing the younger guys backflips. When out of the corner of my eye I saw the hot girl that was instructing at the dance studio nextdoor walking outside in her leotard and tights. Needless to say when this happened I was mid-air. I landed that backflip on the back of my right shoulder, severely dislocating it. Lesson learned, women are very distracting. Use caution.

Dahum, that was funny. Tell me that you at least ended up taking the instructor out to G-twon or something, haha.

[quote]TrainerinDC wrote:
I have never had any significant gym injuries. But I have had some very comical and rather debilitating injuries in my other life as a martial artist and instructor.

I was holding a board for a skinny as a rail 12 year old kid, for him to front kick it and break it. He missed, and broke…my finger. This was the day before a tournament in NYC 5 hours away. Needless to say I fought in the tournament with a broken right ring finger.

Also martial arts I was training, more showing off, and I was showing the younger guys backflips. When out of the corner of my eye I saw the hot girl that was instructing at the dance studio nextdoor walking outside in her leotard and tights. Needless to say when this happened I was mid-air. I landed that backflip on the back of my right shoulder, severely dislocating it. Lesson learned, women are very distracting. Use caution.


I have had to eeeeh “dump the weight” a few times myself. Love the “squat till you puke” avatar you got up.


[quote]beastblob wrote:
Hurt my chest and shoulder, was doing benchpress(no spotter) and my right arm gave out half way up, I had 365lbs no retainers. anyway the plates fell off the right and the weight tranfering to the left ripped it out of my right hand and the bar and remaining weight went to my left with a lot of force. hurt like a bitch but was laughing right after. no real injuries just felt really stupid, and sore as hell for a week.[/quote]

I hear ya TDog, I get like that sometimes as well. About two months ago I was training arms and I was in a pretty good zone. I was doing skull crushers and had some good weight on the bar. So the bar is lying in front of the bench that has my towel on it and my water jug right next to it. But that did not stop some jackass to remove ONE of my clips of the bar in-between sets when I walked away for a few seconds. I kid you not. Of course I did not notice and neither did my spotter who hands me the weight. On the first rep, the shit comes crashing down and a 25 lb plate missed my face by a few inches. I was fucking steaming and ready to kill someone. So I go into the other room, find out who did it and I confront the dude and he has the nerve to tell me he asked several times before he took the one clip. The other guys say they did not hear him ask anyone so I told him, do me a favor and walk away right now. He did and I havent seen him since. Looking back it is somewhat funny in a disbelief kinda way, but his stupidity almost cost me big time.

[quote]TDog305 wrote:
This has happened to me twice.

Sometimes I find myself completely zoned out, even in between sets changing weight.

There have been two instances when benching I have had 4-45’s on one side and 2-45’s on the other (I generally bench in a power rack when I don’t have a training partner and this was the case both times). Needless to say, upon lift off the bar immediately flipped to a 45 degree angle and the ridiculous thing where weight slides off one side, then the other, etc. happened.

There is no one way to walk away from that one and not look like an idiot[/quote]

[quote]Amsterdam Animal wrote:
I hear ya TDog, I get like that sometimes as well. About two months ago I was training arms and I was in a pretty good zone. I was doing skull crushers and had some good weight on the bar. So the bar is lying in front of the bench that has my towel on it and my water jug right next to it. But that did not stop some jackass to remove ONE of my clips of the bar in-between sets when I walked away for a few seconds. I kid you not. Of course I did not notice and neither did my spotter who hands me the weight. On the first rep, the shit comes crashing down and a 25 lb plate missed my face by a few inches. I was fucking steaming and ready to kill someone. So I go into the other room, find out who did it and I confront the dude and he has the nerve to tell me he asked several times before he took the one clip. The other guys say they did not hear him ask anyone so I told him, do me a favor and walk away right now. He did and I havent seen him since. Looking back it is somewhat funny in a disbelief kinda way, but his stupidity almost cost me big time.

LOL…If the plate had hit you, it wouldn’t be so amusing. But nonetheless I’m not surprised by the sheer stupidity of anyone at the gym anymore.

I was doing leg press holds with 500lbs. At the end of holding it for almost 60 seconds I forgot that I didn?t lock the machine and I gave out and the weights pushed my legs into my chest. There was enough room that I didn?t injure myself, but It made a loud noise and I looked pretty sandwiched in there and had to get help out.

The only time that I injured myself to the point of effecting my workout was when I was finished with a decline dumbbell press and decided instead of dropping the weights at failure, I was going to try and push them forward to my knees and do a sit-up. One side of the left dumbbell fell into the grip part of the right dumbbell and I smashed 2 of my fingers pretty good. Still finished the entire workout though! But come deadlift day, I found it very hard to grip the bar with only 3 usable fingers.

[quote]elemental79 wrote:
but It made a loud noise and I looked pretty sandwiched in there and had to get help out.


This one time, I drank before lifting, then decided it was like the best idea ever since alcohol makes me so much stronger. I was doing OHS and I lost my balance and the bar fell back and dragged me back with it. I just layed there for a few minutes.

Before I had ever stepped into a gym I read for a good solid month, about anything and everything I thought I needed to know about.

3rd day into my 1st program, was calves on that day. I had always read that you need heavy weight to stimulate growth. I over did it on standing calf raises an my entire lower leg was so swollen I couldn’t wear jeans for two day.

I know right! Dude, I was steaming and it took a lot to not rip his head off. I dont work for that gym but they let me train my clients there for free so I try to watch what I say and do so as to not mess up my money. I think it would have been different had the weight hit me.

[quote]TDog305 wrote:
Amsterdam Animal wrote:
I hear ya TDog, I get like that sometimes as well. About two months ago I was training arms and I was in a pretty good zone. I was doing skull crushers and had some good weight on the bar. So the bar is lying in front of the bench that has my towel on it and my water jug right next to it. But that did not stop some jackass to remove ONE of my clips of the bar in-between sets when I walked away for a few seconds. I kid you not. Of course I did not notice and neither did my spotter who hands me the weight. On the first rep, the shit comes crashing down and a 25 lb plate missed my face by a few inches. I was fucking steaming and ready to kill someone. So I go into the other room, find out who did it and I confront the dude and he has the nerve to tell me he asked several times before he took the one clip. The other guys say they did not hear him ask anyone so I told him, do me a favor and walk away right now. He did and I havent seen him since. Looking back it is somewhat funny in a disbelief kinda way, but his stupidity almost cost me big time.

LOL…If the plate had hit you, it wouldn’t be so amusing. But nonetheless I’m not surprised by the sheer stupidity of anyone at the gym anymore.[/quote]

Haha, well at least you finished your work out.

I am scared what would happen to me if the studs dont catch the weight or hold it. I think my legs would be crushed b/c I am pretty tall and I dont think my legs will bent that way.

[quote]elemental79 wrote:
I was doing leg press holds with 500lbs. At the end of holding it for almost 60 seconds I forgot that I didn?t lock the machine and I gave out and the weights pushed my legs into my chest. There was enough room that I didn?t injure myself, but It made a loud noise and I looked pretty sandwiched in there and had to get help out.

The only time that I injured myself to the point of effecting my workout was when I was finished with a decline dumbbell press and decided instead of dropping the weights at failure, I was going to try and push them forward to my knees and do a sit-up. One side of the left dumbbell fell into the grip part of the right dumbbell and I smashed 2 of my fingers pretty good. Still finished the entire workout though! But come deadlift day, I found it very hard to grip the bar with only 3 usable fingers.[/quote]

[quote]Amsterdam Animal wrote:
Dahum, that was funny. Tell me that you at least ended up taking the instructor out to G-twon or something, haha.

No such luck. I’m sure she got many good laughs out of it.

Another story while we are on the topic, my training partner now was the former gym idiot. I have been working out with him for a few months now and his habits are slowly improving. One time on his own, he was trying 1000+ lb leg presses. He had a spotter on each side incase he dropped it. He made it thru 3 or 4 reps when he “gassed out” and couldn’t move the weight back up. It came down hard, he wedged out from under it and said he was unhurt, unloaded the machine and completed the workout. Wen’t home that night, went to bed and woke up with his ribcage black and blue, and in extreme pain. He broke four ribs with his knees when the sled came down…


I always thought the struds on those leg presses are too low anyway. I think you can still easily go 90 degrees (and even a little past) while having those stops moved up some.

[quote]TrainerinDC wrote:
Amsterdam Animal wrote:
Dahum, that was funny. Tell me that you at least ended up taking the instructor out to G-twon or something, haha.

No such luck. I’m sure she got many good laughs out of it.

Another story while we are on the topic, my training partner now was the former gym idiot. I have been working out with him for a few months now and his habits are slowly improving. One time on his own, he was trying 1000+ lb leg presses. He had a spotter on each side incase he dropped it. He made it thru 3 or 4 reps when he “gassed out” and couldn’t move the weight back up. It came down hard, he wedged out from under it and said he was unhurt, unloaded the machine and completed the workout. Wen’t home that night, went to bed and woke up with his ribcage black and blue, and in extreme pain. He broke four ribs with his knees when the sled came down…


Gary, one of my buds, was returning a 50 or so pound dumbell to the rack. He just put his hip into the motion instead of extending his arm. That was the day he almost became a eunuch. I can only imagine the pain.

I was spotting a friend of mine and he was doing a reverse grip bench press and the 8 rep his arms gave out and the bar came crashing to his face luckly i was there to catch it but it made a hole in his lip. But i rather have a hole that will heal than a whole row of teeth be shoved down your throat personally i dont know about you animals.

2 weeks ago I was doing behind the back barbell shrugs. I walked it back into the rack and put it down on what I thought were the pegs. I had my back to them so I couldn’t see them, I did it by feel.

I found out that I’d put one end of it on the very end of one of the pegs when it crashed down to the floor behind me. I’m lucky I stepped forward or it could’ve landed on my ankle and shattered it.


And years ago I put some crazy weight on the seated calf machine and just hung there at the bottom, nowhere near strong enough to get it back up. I had to get someone to help me. Embarassing.

When I was 16, one of my mates and I were the only ones in a gym. We had finished a pretty big benching session and I went to the water cooler.

He thought he would be a hero and see how many reps he could do with a measly 80 pounds. He must have been pumping it up and down for 2 minutes. As the 2 biggest guys in the whole town walked in, my mates pecs seized up and cramped. He looked like he had 800lbs on the bar the way it wouldn’t get off his chest. He had the legs kicking, back arched and all. One of the big guys grabbed it with one arm and pulled it off my mate.

He had to swallow his pride and look like he had not been able to bench 80 lbs for a single rep. The old “I’d just done 100 reps” would have looked desperate.

He never trained in that gym again.

Cramps are not really an injury, but it’s a sort of funny story anyhow.

Im the walking klutz in the gym. I bash my shins on plate trees and bump my head passing under the pull down bar pretty regularly. No, I’m not proud either.